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New EPA Rules Increases Energy Costs, Cuts Jobs, Power Grid at Risk

WASHINGTON DC. The Obama Administration is adding extensive new regulations that attack our domestic low-cost energy industry. President Obama pushed 645 pages (PDF) of new EPA rules that add to the existing 1 million EPA rules.

Murray Energy CEO said on Fox Business News (FBN) on June 20, 2014 that President Obama is pushing to cut cheap coal energy from 40 percent to 14 percent, and is trying to replace it with more expensive wind and solar energy. Another report suggests the number is 30 percent, not 40 percent using a 2005 baseline.

Keep in mind that wind energy only works when there is wind. No wind, no energy. Solar only works when there is sunlight. Thus clouds, no solar energy; night time, no solar energy. These alternative energies can help a little, but they are not realistic long-term energy substitutes or solutions to provide constant energy to the U.S. power grid. Read More…