Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

Review of the Hillary Clinton email Scandal
UPDATE: Oct. 28, 2016
The Director of the FBI, James Comey issued a written letter that discussed in part recent information that has led the law-enforcement agency to reopen the slated ‘Hillary Clinton email case’ to determine whether such information uncovered is relevant to said and related cases. Read More…
UPDATE: October 19, 2016
Reflects additional charges that could be brought vs. HRC and associates involved in removing/ destroying federal records 44 USC § 3106 and § 3105 safeguards. Additional federal charges that may (or should) apply to anyone involved in the following, including but not limited Hillary Clinton, her attorneys and others who either “removed,” or “destroyed” (deleted), (then attempted or actually did) permanently delete federal records. See legal codes and definitions.
UPDATE: September 6, 2016
Reflects evidence to an apparent cover-up, intentionally destroying records while under official investigation. Additional legal/ criminal citations added.)(Updates are marked in red bold date and indented to show additional reporting).
UPDATE: September 5, 2016
Reflects posting FBI’s Notes during Clinton interview, additional 15,000 (deleted) emails recovered, and Clinton’s alleged memory problems during FBI interview.
Original Aug. 7, 2016 Report Highlights:
WASHINGTON, DC. FBI Director James Comey said the agency would not bring charges against Hillary Clinton, the now candidate for the 2016 Democrat Party. The follow is a summary of Comey’s statements (included link to Official Transcript).
Here we cite the background and findings in this case. We cite legal statutes and quote from legal experts in the areas in question. We have also included several short videos.
Topics in discussion:
[1] FBI Clears Up Hillary Clinton’s Deceptive Statements (+video).
[2] Crime.
[3] Off the Record – Permanently?
[4] Congress Holds Hearing with FBI Director (+2 videos).
[5] Judge Napolitano: Case Against Clinton is “Overwhelming” (+video).
[6] Admission of Guilt & Obstruction.
[7] Hillary Clinton’s Sudden ‘Amnesia’ During FBI Interview?
[8] Sending and Receiving Classifieds emails.
[9] Obama’s Record Prosecutions Under Espionage Act – Except One.
[10] Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice.
[11] Conspiracy Theory.
[12] Voters Turn.
See the videos, Read More…