Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

Elections - Voting
Is the U.S. Constitution at Risk in Election 2016?
WASHINGTON DC. The next U.S. President will likely nominate one, maybe two or three Supreme Court Justices. Nominating those with judicial activism is a big concern.
“Judicial activism occurs when judges write subjective policy preferences into the law rather than apply the law impartially according to its original meaning. As such, activism does not mean the mere act of striking down a law.”
— Source: Heritage Foundation Report: How to spot judicial activism
Activism is not the role of a judge, but rather the impartial rule of law. Here we examine Pres. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump’s views about the Supreme Court and stated intent or in the case of Barack Obama, existing actions.