Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

Fact Check: Pres. Obama: ‘We’re Better Off’ and ‘No WH Scandals?’
WASHINGTON DC. We have had the unique opportunity to research and write about any claims and statements made by the political parties over the last 8 years. We have raised issues with both parties and policies that conflict with the law, and the failure to hear the people.
When the People of the United States feel they are not being heard, most get out and vote. Some people as we have seen increase over the last 8 years choose to riot, loot/ steel, burn vehicles, other property that was NOT theirs, and attack those who are here to protect all of us – called police.
President Obama appeared on CBS 60 Minutes on January 15, 2017. If we were paid to fact check every statement, it would probably be a 70 page report when providing citations. Unfortunately we aren’t paid to cover that time in a report for a President who is going to be out of office in 4 days.
So we will address a couple key points that President Obama stated.
That we are better off then we were 8 years ago when Obama came to office.
That there were no scandals in the White House which we refer to his Administration in total.
[1] Are we better off than we were 8 years ago? Read More…