Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

Cohen Plea Deal Does Not Implicate Trump – Here is Why
UPDATE 2019-03-10
A Last Place Show Horse.
Michael Cohen, was one of Donald Trump’s lawyers for about 12 years, mostly prior to Trump becoming U.S. President.Cohen is now a convicted felon (plea agreement) for major million-dollar tax evasion and bank fraud. Cohen was also convicted for felony perjury – lying before Congress.
Cohen will being serving three years in prison starting in about two months.Yet, this man is suddenly deemed ‘credible’ by the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee who called for Cohen to ‘testify’ (against President Trump).
It was said during the hearing by Republican Congressman Jim Jorden, that Cohen just might be the first convicted felon who lied before Congress just one year ago, to now testify as a star witness before a Congressional Committee.
During Cohen’s testimony, Cohen made himself out to be a victim. Victimization seems to be the latest trend as (alleged) criminals claim they are real the victim?
Report includes relevant case laws and statutes. Read more….