Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

Middle-Class Income at Record High Under Trump with Lower Taxes
WASHINGTON, DC. A study by Sentier Research found that since President Trump took office, middle-class income is up $5,003 to an all-time high of $65,976.
According to Real Clear Politics, if you take into account the Trump (non-corporate) tax cuts, this pushes the net after tax incomes of the middle-class with a family of four to about a +$6,000 INCREASE!
One of three main reasons why the U.S. economy has experienced a massive economic boom and the lowest underemployment rate in 50-years is due to…Read More…