Government Policy is a general topic for this category. Net has preformed in-depth study in each sub-topic and cited references using generally reliable 3rd party sources including major news media, government publications, watchdog groups, and other credible sources.

U.S. Deficit Hits All Time Record in February
While most of the current election chatter has to do with trivial news, what is lacking attention in this campaign is the fact the U.S. deficit hit an all time high in February 2012.
According to the Congressional Budget Office (Report PDF), the U.S. government spent $229 Billion more than it took in during the shortest month of the year (February 2012). That’s $229 Billion the U.S. Government spent in ONE MONTH. An International Business Times report (PDF) published on NASDAQ said the government blamed the increase in spending because they had one extra day in February…Read More…