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President Obama’s ‘Lame Duck’ Mass Amnesty Plan

WASHINGTON DC. The Obama Administration has been ‘quietly’ planning a massive amnesty plan AFTER the 2014 Midterm elections. Why after the Mid-term elections? President Obama does not want to upset millions of voters that are already ‘angry’ says ABC News and CNN polls. Any more unilateral Presidential action of massive amnesty would arguably insure Democrats’ re-election defeat.

[1] Lame Duck
The period where one party loses control in Congress is called a “Lame Duck.” If the Democrats lose majority control in the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid (D-Nev.) who has blocked some 350 pieces of bi-partisan legislation including some 40 jobs bills proposed by the (R) controlled House, would be forced to step down.

Assuming post 2014 Mid-term victory for a majority control in the House and Senate by Republicans, Democrats will stay in power until sometime in January 2015 depending on any run-off elections. During this time, President Obama is more likely to bypass Congress and illegally abuse his Executive Authority and grant work permits and or de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

For example, during a Lame Duck session of Congress, Democrats lost control of Congressional power under President Clinton. The highly controversial North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed by President Clinton (D-Ark.) with Vice President Al Gore (D-Tenn.) casting the decided vote [Report, Point 7].

The result of NAFTA EXPORTED millions of jobs out of the USA [Report, Point 6] into countries like Mexico and Canada where labor is cheaper, and regulations are easier on business.

[2] How Reid Will Suppress Entire Senate During a Lame Duck Session…Read More…