Mission Statement – We are a Non-profit Education Media Company.
Our mission is to provide people with a better understanding of valuable and relevant information without having any special expertise or have any prior knowledge of a topic before reading our articles. One will find that we cite our sources as opposed to being just an editorial, soap box, or otherwise opinion based media source.
Web Traffic Report: FY 2016 (187) Countries Visited NetAdvisor.org®
Web Traffic Report: FY 2016 (187) Countries Visited NetAdvisor.org®
by NetAdvisor.org® Staff
For calendar year 2016, there were 187 unique countries that visited NetAdvisor.org® website, up from 162 countries in 2015, 151 countries in 2014 and 112 countries in 2013.
All of our own web traffic continues to be organic, meaning we don’t pay search engines or other parties to entice people to come visit the site. Since we are a non-profit org, and offering our content for free… READ MORE STATS…