January 14, 2021; 5:36 AM EST. UPDATE: 06:56 EST

written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. Since it seems that we are one of few organizations keeping track, House Democrats have moved to impeach President Trump for the 5th (FIFTH) time in 2 (TWO) years.
The Hill reported in July 2019 that Democrats pushed impeachment three times since Democrats took control of the House in January 2019.
We reported in September 2019, House Democrats sought to impeach President Trump for the 4th (FOURTH) time.
Now with the Democrats promise to ‘unite America‘ after the 2020 Election, and start healing all the divisiveness; Democrats for the 5th (FIFTH) time since 2019 are seeking to impeach President Trump again.
Pissing off 70+ million voters doesn’t sound very uniting.
This is the second time the (Democrat) House had enough votes to impeach the President.
President Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate in April 2020. We noted in March 2020, how Democrats were obsessed about Trump’s impeachment from about December 2019 to April 2020, and not at all concerned about the Coronavirus.
In fact, House Democrats went on vacation in March 2020, while Senate Republicans were working on Coronavirus aid.
We documented how Democrats abused their high office to seek to remove Trump without any legal evidence. The basis for impeachment was unfounded. But don’t let the law get in way of one’s politics.
[1] Constitutional Law: What it Takes to Impeach a President.
A reminder that in order to impeach a President requires a simple majority (51%) of a House vote. Then, a trial held in the U.S. Senate. The Senate MUST have two-thirds (66 of 100 Senators – a Super Majority vote) in order to impeach (remove a President from office).
[2] 2021 Articles of Impeachment.
The latest Articles of Impeachment (AOI) (4 pps, PDF) came just 8 (eight) days before President Trump leaves his term of office. The articles were filed by California Congressman Ted Leiu (D).
Mr. Leiu was “anti-Trump” even before Trump took office. Mr. Leiu was one of 60+ Democrats who boycotted President Trump’s 2016 inauguration. Mr. Leiu makes several claims:
(D) CLAIM #1:
Rep. Leiu alleges that President Trump made public “false statements” over the 2020 election (AOI, P3).
Dear Mr. Leiu, Free Speech is Not A Crime.
If one could be guilty for voicing an opinion, even if it is an incorrect opinion, and if such was a crime; pretty much Rep. Leiu, and most of Congress in past and present, would be found guilty.
(D) CLAIM #2:
Rep. Leiu alleges that President Trump “incited” (AOI, P3, Lines 14-15) a crowd at a Trump rally and names that President Trump (personally) “interfered” (AOI, P3, Line 16) in a joint session of Congress; who were discussing the certification of the 2020 election.
Again, Mr. Leiu, free speech is still not a crime. It is not a crime to hold peaceful political rallies, which they were until after Trump left. Then at some point, a group of agitators escalated violence.
(D) CLAIM #3:
Rep. Leiu alleges that President Trump “subvert and obstruct” (AOI, P3-4) the results of the 2020 election.
Reality Check:
So it appears that Rep. Leiu believes that a phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state on January 2, 2021 was somehow so influentially powerful; that all Trump had to do to change the election outcome, was just make a phone call?
President Trump may be good on the phone with business and world leaders, but this magical phone request was not going to come true.
Rep. Leiu also claims that President Trump “threatened” Georgia’s secretary of state. There is no evidence presented to support this claim.
Notes: We are not addressing the high controversies here today that occurred beginning about a year prior to the 2020 elections. This includes, but is not limited to how unelected and elected officials violated their own state laws regarding rules of election procedures. This is a provable legal argument which we’ll discuss as a history review in an upcoming report.
We are also not discussing here the approximate 385 pre-election lawsuits filed by Democrats to try and game the election system for their favor. Again, we’ll discuss a review of these controversial issues in an upcoming report.
As much as we would love to fantasize that our reports can change the direction of history; we just report the facts so people have a clearer understanding of events that took place. We leave the propaganda to others.
Regardless of the violence which lasted maybe a few hours or the evening, Congress certified the election anyway.
Setting aside this one protest where some became violent. Let’s also be reminded of the 8,700 “protests,” 574 declared riots that lasted nearly half of 2020; and committed by mostly Left-political radicals and opportunists. These “protests” caused over $2 Billion in damages; over 2,000 police officers injured, some 30 citizens killed; and untold number of civilians injuries.
Did Democrats denounce the violence? Did Democrats try and stop the violence, or did they encourage, ignore or justify it? We’ll also cover more on this in an upcoming report.
(D) CLAIM #4:
Rep. Leiu claims that President Trump will “remain a threat” if he is allowed to stay in office. You mean these last seven days (Jan. 20th)? A threat to whom or what specifically?
Reality Check:
Rep. Leiu failed to provide any evidence or other legal rational of what Trump actually said or did, or ‘plans to do,’ that actually violates any local, state, federal or Constitutional law.
Rep. Leiu does not provide evidence that Trump is somehow a “threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution.”
[3] Double Standard.
Agree with him or not, like him or not, President Trump has a First Amendment right to voice his disagreement with the 2020 election, and with anything else.
In fact, for the last four years, Democrats voiced their opinions, and disagreed with the 2016 election on a daily basis, and many choose to be a bit harsh.
Did social media ban Democrat speech? Did we impeach any Democrat for either inciting, providing aid and comfort, or financially supporting violence and mayhem?
For about three years, Democrats and much of the media also falsely propagated stories that President Trump was actually a “puppet” and (secret) “agent” of Russia’s President. Some still make this claim when no evidence has ever come forth to support it.
In Rep. Leiu’s world, most all the media, and most, if not all Democrats and some Republicans should have been impeached from Congress; and non-elected persons should have been banned for trying for “honor, truth or profit” (AOI, P4) for making false and gross misleading statements?
If voicing false statements was a crime by politicians, shouldn’t President Obama been impeached?
President Obama was awarded “Lie of the Year” by the Left-leaning Politifact. President Obama (and others) repeatedly made public statements that they could ‘keep their doctor’ and ‘keep their healthcare plan,’ and that ‘no one was going to change a person’s healthcare plan.’
Further, (Democrat) Obamacare architect Johnathan Gruber, said the government healthcare plan was written to intentionally deceive Americans. Should everyone who voted for this be impeached for intentionally deceiving Americans?
Was Obama and many other Democrats impeached for repeatedly lying?
These lies led to millions losing their healthcare insurance, and subjected many Americans to $338 Billion in new healthcare taxes. President-Elect Biden said he seeks to re-institute these massive taxes on Americans. Should Biden be impeached on day one for the threat of causing great economic harm to Americans?
Answer: No. Why? Democrats don’t impeach people who are politically aligned; they only impeach people they don’t like?
Next, President Obama actually exceeded his Presidential authority after repeatedly stating he had no legal authority; said he is ‘not a King,’ then violated the U.S. Constitution.
Obama could have been impeached for violating Article II, Section 3 (the Take Care Clause) of the Constitution for failing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States (Constitution). Did Democrats impeach President Obama for this? No.
Obama and others could have been impeached for failing to provide aid and support when they knew in real-time Americans were under attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and many others all repeatedly lied about what actually transpired. We argue they lied because the 9-11 attack took place less than two months before the 2012 Presidential Mid-Term Elections. Were any of these people impeached that caused the death of four Americans including the (Democrat) Ambassador, Christopher Stevens? No.
Susan Rice, the “worst corruption of the Obama years” will be in charge of U.S. Domestic Policy under Biden.
Next, President Obama made a string of lies before the State of the Union. Was he impeached? No.
Many politicians miss-speak, mislead, deceive, and some outright lie. And if Congress wants to pass a law making their own inaccurate statements an impeachable offense have at at. For now, it is not a crime, thus, Mr. Leiu’s claims about President Trump have no merit.
[4] The Most Ironic Part About This Trump Impeachment.
Probably the most ironic part about this latest Trump Impeachment push is that will be argued by said Rep. Ted Leiu (D-CA), and others including Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA). Rep. Swalwell had been reportedly associated with, and literately in-bed with a Chinese spy.
The China spy known as Christine Fang, aka ‘Fang Fang,’ reportedly helped Rep. Swalwell and other prominent (all) Democrat candidates in California elections.
Fang Fang reportedly Bang-Banged (had sex) with many other Democrats from 2011-2015, in order to gain access to U.S. government officials.

Fang Fang also managed to get an unpaid intern in Rep. Swalwell’s office. Fang Fang reportedly vanished from the U.S. in 2015.
Is there any investigation into the national security risks or impeachment of Rep. Swalwell who sits before the House Intelligence Committee? No.
Was there an investigation and impeachment of another California Democrat, Senator Dianne Feinstein who employed a Chinese spy for some 20 years? Who did the vetting on that job application?
This alleged China spy has been reportedly identified as Russel Lowe. He was not the Senator’s ‘vehicle driver’ as many have misreported, but rather as Feinstein’s “staff liaison to the Asian-American community.”
In reality, that was his cover as another Communist China spy working closely with another top California Democrat. Apparently, according to Democrat in-actions, having close associations to foreign spies are not considered a national security risk?

Feinstein has since reportedly been in “cognitive decline.” Feinstein sat on the Senate Intelligence Committee (2009-2015), and was the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee (2015-2021).
None of these people who were actually tied to China spies have been impeached, let alone under investigation by a Congressional security committee.
Now we have President-Elect Biden who is not exactly playing with a full deck of cards; finds himself and his family with all kinds of financial ties to Communist China. Some have been under federal investigation. That will probably be swept under the rug come January 20th.
We argued last fall that by his own video admission, Biden abused his office when he was Vice President to get an Ukrainian prosecutor fired, so not to run the risk of his son Hunter become part of any investigation.
Did Biden get impeached as VP? No. Will he get impeached as President?
[5] What Did Trump Actually Say at the Capitol Rally?
Constitutional scholar Johnathan Turley who has repeatedly stated (and under oath) that he is not a Trump supporter. Turley argues, ‘the president’s call to protest does not constitute insurrection.’ (Further reading).
Had the President said anything to the effect, I am calling you (to his base or at a rally) to take up arms; (or) to go and seize the Capitol (or other government facility); (or) go and cause harm to person(s) or property, THEN, you have an act of incitement such as inciting a riot under 18 USC § 2101.
The President did not say anything explicit that can be articulated as criminal action; therefore one cannot be held liable for the actions of individuals.
Many in the media and Democrats have called the Capitol protests, an “Insurrection.”
Since there is no legal basis to support 18 USC § 2101 (Inciting a Riot) against Trump specifically; one then does not have a basis to cite President Trump with “Insurrection” under 18 USC § 2383 either.
Again, the President did not say anything to this effect; therefore he cannot be held liable for the actions of individuals.
One could charge those who actually are found to be behind the acts of violence and other crimes. This would be those with actionable behavior that occurred; and such persons could be potentially charged with either or both 18 USC § 2101; 18 USC § 2383.
In fact any group(s) where two or more persons who organized such event at the Capitol with intent to cause harm, could be additionally charged with 18 USC § 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy).
[6] More on Trump’s Capitol Speech.
Clearly Trump and his supporters were disappointed with the end result of the 2020 election. Many verbalized their grievances about that; and many of those have since been banned from social media platforms for making such free speech statements.
Another political party was also upset at the 2016 election, and spent four years verbalizing their grievances, and worse. Very few of them have been banned from social media.
Like him or not, Trump has the same Constitutional rights to free speech. In review of his full speech, there is no implied acts or instructions to commit any crime against persons or property.
- Read President Trump’s Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol Speech. (Washington Post)(Rev)
[7] Trump Called For Peace. Tells Protesters to Go Home.
As violence broke out later that afternoon, President Trump issued a video message nationally. President Trump said, “you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.” Trump further said that we have to respect law and order, and did not want anyone to be hurt.
[8] Democrats Launched Protests Against Trump From Day 1:

Of all places to find this article, NBC News permitted the publication of how to protest against Trump on the day of his Jan. 20, 2017 inauguration. The article discussed planned Anti-Trump marches around the county – over 600 of them. Does that sound like an insurrection? Was there any violence?

One person was shot at an anti-Trump “protest” in Washington State.
Was there rioting and destruction of property in Washington, DC?
Yes, said the Washington Post.
“Prosecutors said…six were among a group that cut a violent swath through 16 blocks of the city, smashing windows of businesses, tossing newspaper boxes into the street and damaging a limousine…causing more than $100,000 (of damage).”
— Source: Washington Post
Wow. That sounds like a riot, and it was!
So what happened?
Did the Feds storm in with the National Guard; arrest and prosecute everyone involved?
“Following a nearly four-week trial, a D.C. Superior Court jury delivered not guilty verdicts Thursday on multiple charges of rioting and destruction of property.”
— Source: Washington Post
You see those riots, looting and destruction of property, were just phantoms; figments of your imagination? One needs to understand that rioting, looting and an insurrection is perfectly acceptable as long as you are doing it for the ‘right reasons,’ according to Democrats?

The New York Times ran an opinion piece by Charles Blow on Jan. 5, 2017. Mr. Blow publicly advised people (aka inciting/ conspiracy) to “resist” President Trump; to go ahead and organize and protest, donate money to anti-Trump groups, etc. Now, nearly four years to the day, Mr. Blow is calling for anyone associated to President Trump to be “punished.”

Next photo: A “Protestor” (aka “Insurrectionist”) tagged graffiti calling for a “revolution” or death within a few hours of President Trump’s inauguration, January 20, 2017.

Sooooo, Trump hasn’t even been in the White House yet, and Democrats are calling out to ‘resist’ and start a ‘revolution?’
All of this was OK by much of the media, Democrats, a handful of ‘Republicans,’ certain empathetic juries, courts, and local prosecutors too?
[10] Speaking of Inciting Violence…

[11] Party Doesn’t Matter. The Crime Matters.
What we have learned is this:
As long as one targets those whom one party hates and disagree with, violence is fine. But how dare you attack them back?
Speaker Pelosi said during her Jan. 13, 2021 Trump Impeachment speech that “no one is above the law” — Unless of course you are any of the above photographed people.
All of this needs to stop.
Blind libertarian justice needs to be equally applied to all criminals regardless of political affiliation.
[12] The Real Reason Why Dems Want to Impeach President Trump (again).
On Jan. 10, 2021, House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) said on CBS 60 Minutes, that the real reason why she wants President Trump impeached is so that he could not run for high office again.
We’ll that’s not exactly a Constitutional cause to be impeached, is it?
Speaker Pelosi essentially became unhinged by threatening the Vice President of the United States (Mike Pence): If VP Pence didn’t use the 25th Amendment to ‘get rid of Trump’ “within 24 hours,” then Democrats will seek to ‘Impeach Trump’ (again – for the 5th time).
OK, so now we know the truth.
It’s nothing that Trump actually did that is criminal. Dems are afraid Trump might decide to run for high office again. Pelosi’s actions is another abuse of power just like the last impeachment.
[13] Welcome to the Impeachment Table.
Dems may try and delay a Senate Trial until after President-Elect Biden takes office. Dems will have the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2009-2010.
Here is the Constitutional legal issue with any impeachment trial or vote after January 20th.
Impeaching someone who is no longer in public office arguably has no legal basis.
“…the operative legal standard to apply to an impeachment of a sitting President…”
— Source: Findlaw.com, retrieved 01-13-2021
If Congress could just impeach a President after leaving office, then any and all selected Presidents could then be technically and retroactively impeached, whether they are dead or alive.
[14] Grounds for Impeachment.
The legal grounds for impeachment is based on a person who is currently holding high office; and they must be convicted by 2/3rds (66 sitting members) of the U.S. Senate for “Treason (or) Bribery or Corruption.”
With this standard, there have been, and currently are scores of politicians that meet these standards:
Civilian person(s) or politicians subverting America for another country; or supporting organizations that actively seek to subvert (“resist”) lawful government; or when any of the same are bribed or receiving aid, comfort (including sex) from the enemy; or being corrupted by decisions that act against your country’s interest for another country; could be impeachable offenses.
Most people ignore all this, and just accept this as ‘standard politics.’
“High crimes and misdemeanors” are impeachment offenses, but such crimes shall not be vague, opinion, or arbitrary Mr. Leiu. They should be cited as an “indictable crime” using existing laws and codes where Dems again have ignored such legal citations, case law, code or statutes.
[15] Democrats Attack Free Speech (again), and (again), and (again).
Democrats repeated threats and use (abuse) of Impeachment pushes the argument that a President serves at the pleasure of Congress. In fact, constitutionally speaking, Congress and the Executive Branch are separate and co-equal branches of government.
This appears to be nothing but another power grab by Democrats to try and control future Presidents.
[16] Capitol Officials Ignored Advance Warning of Violence.
According to several reports, the FBI and NYPD warned Capitol Police about possible violence prior — when? — Prior to the Trump rally at the Capitol on January 6th.
“…the “FBI obtained credible and actionable information” about more than a dozen people “who were planning on traveling to the protests who expressed a desire to engage in violence.”
— Source: The Hill
Officials mislead the public that they were ‘Caught Off Guard’ about potential capitol violence risk.
” The FBI warned law enforcement agencies ahead of last week’s breach of the U.S. Capitol about the potential for extremist-driven violence, U.S. officials said, contradicting earlier statements that they were caught off guard by the assault by supporters of President Donald Trump.”
— Source: The Associated Press
National Guard were in the area but they did not respond to the protests because they were not invited.
“…the National Guard only shows up to D.C. when they’ve been invited, and the Capitol Police did not extend that invitation until after the breach…”
— Source: Military Times
So in other words, President Trump didn’t actually incite any violence. The FEDS and the NYPD had been monitoring certain persons or groups. The said FEDS warned Capitol police of possible violent protests PRIOR of Trump’s speech. And nothing was done about putting extra security in place until it was too late?
Who is to blame then? Who was in charge?
The Capitol Police Chief did resign after the Capitol protests became violent.
It almost makes one wonder if the violence was intentionally ignored (like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, etc. in 2020?). Perhaps so chaos could unfold in order to paint Trump as the bad guy? The same thing most of the media have done every single day for the last 4 years. Is that fair?
According to the Capitol Police Chief, his calls for backup “were ignored by the sergeant-at-arms and the Pentagon.”
Some Pentagon officials have been politically against President Trump. Trump had been fighting with the Pentagon during his term seeking to bring more U.S. Troops home. The Pentagon had been at odds with Trump in (for example) Afghanistan, Germany, Iraq, Somalia, and Syria. This led to multiple Pentagon firings. The President is the Commander-in-Chief, not the Pentagon.
[17] Conclusion.
Democrats have sought to impeach Trump five times in two years. House Dems have thus far only had two successful (Democrat-controlled House) “impeachments” but no convictions to date by the Senate.
The U.S. Constitution outlines the rules for impeachment. Complaining about the outcome of an election is not legal cause for impeachment.
Likewise, Democrats ran with hoax stories and multi-million dollar investigations into Trump all four years that were all unfounded.
Democrats in fact lied about their claims about Trump.
The previous President Obama lied and made public claims that were false and grossly misleading. Obama was not impeached.
President Obama and others put Americans in harm’s way, by failing to secure the Consulate in Libya; failing to provide aid and military backup when under a terror attack; all of which they knew in real time. Four Americans died. President Obama and others then all lied to America about what took place. No one was impeached or punished. Obama and Biden became a multi-millionaires after leaving office.
Several U.S. elected officials, all Democrats have been infiltrated by government spies from China. Foreign spies inside the U.S. government is a national security risk. No investigations. No one removed from any office.
There is no implied or explicit evidence from his Capitol Speech that President Trump told anyone to cause anyone, or any property harm.
In-fact after President Trump was advised of the violence by some individuals or organized group(s); Trump called for ‘law and order,’ and told the protestors to ‘go home in peace.’
There are four years of evidence of radical Democrats beginning with Trump’s Inauguration on Day 1; who publicly called for the death of the President (a felony); and caused harm to persons and property. No one backing this hate and violence was impeached. No one appears to even have been prosecuted.
We can conclude that Democrats impeachment is really about so Trump can’t run for office again.
Pelosi and other Democrats including “AOC‘s” actual purpose to impeach Trump is so he can’t run for high office again. This is the Democrats’ way of eliminating any future competition – an abuse of power; and such action infringes on the right of voters to decide what candidate they want, or don’t want in the future.
Congress, prosecutors, U.S. attorneys, etc., have shown no interest in charging anyone with treason, bribery or corruption by political figures.
Trump didn’t incident any violence. How do we know this?
The FEDS knew about violence risk in advance and warned Capitol police prior to Trump’s event. The Pentagon and the Sargent-at-Arms reportedly ignored the Capitol Police Chief’s request for additional aid.
Unfortunately, with a large population, there are going to be nut cases on all sides of politics; this includes those anarchists who seek to wreak havoc when an opportunity exist. This is where the Feds need better attention.
Do the Democrats have sufficient and compelling evidence for the impeachment of Trump? Based on our findings hereto, the answer is:
There is no sufficient or compelling evidence to impeach President Trump this time either. By Democrats’ own admission, this impeachment is once again, politically motivated.
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