November 25, 2020

written by Net Advisor™
NEW YORK, New York. According to TSA records, we calculated using a spreadsheet that 169,585,838 persons traveled on an airline originating within the United States since March 1, 2020.
Also in March, there was a reported 7-hour wait to get on board flights at U.S. airports due to Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) screening times.
CDC – No Travel Advised Over Thanksgiving.
The CDC has discouraged Thanksgiving travel plans, and limit gatherings with non-traveling family. Naturally, millions of Americans are ignoring the suggestion and so are international travelers.
Limited CV-19 Testing on Airlines.
From January to September 2020 alone, some 766,000 “hart hit” (Coronavirus countries) via international travelers arrived in the United States. Of the 766,000 foreign arrivals, only 35 were actually tested for Coronavirus; And of that, 9 (nine), 25.7% or 1:4 tested positive for Coronavirus.
A report showed that the costs of testing is expensive and ‘only 1 out of 85,000‘ people are actual being tested. These numbers do not include known or unlawful arrivals from U.S. borders.
In Los Angeles, in early December 2020, one can get a Coronavirus rapid-test at LAX, and you’ll know the results within 24 hours. Of course you have to go to the airport twice: Once to be tested; once more to come back to your flight. There are no guarantees that one will become infected right after they leave the testing areas and mix with 1,000’s of people again. We’re going to speculate that few will pay the $150.00 for the test.
Testing at other U.S. airports can range from $75 and up to $250, if you are going to Hawaii. These are all private testing facilities. You can get free U.S. government tests at many health centers and pharmacies; just not free at the airport.
Travel Industry Has a Huge Impact on Global Commerce & Jobs.
Shutting down airports and air-travel world-wide is not going to happen. Everything you have in your residence, most vehicles, clothes, etc., was manufactured somewhere. It took people and labor to manufacture and transport items so they would be available to you. Odds are most of what you have (clothing, TV, cell phone, computer, auto or auto-parts, light-bulbs, etc., was probably made in a foreign country.
Just in 2019, global travel and tourism contributed $8.9 Trillion to the world’s GDP, relating to 1-out-of-every-10-jobs on the entire planet!
Travel Bans.
President Trump did institute travel bans from hot spots such as China back in January 2020.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Joe Biden, and among others in the media criticized Trump for the travel bans.
In February, China continued to make some 3 billion air-travel trips for the Lunar New Year. From our assessment, people were traveling to non-ban-counties then coming to the U.S.
There is just no way to stop a virus by trying to stop the movement of people.
Close the Gyms, Houses of Worship, and Schools; But 169 Million Still Traveled by Air in the USA?
The funny part about all this, is several states including California and New York have governor-orders to close fitness centers, many restaurants, drinking places, small businesses, hotel/ resorts and entertainment, places of worship, and schools. But they have no issue with up to 300 mostly unrelated persons confined in tight quarters, most all untested for CV-19, traveling to-and-from the USA, for 2-to-24 hours at a time – and all sharing the same bathrooms?
There is no science to suggest that any of the state mandated closures are major sources of CV-19 spreading. Likewise, no one wants to test to see if there is any scientific data to check if air-travel is really the source causing the spread? Based on the TSA’s vast mathematical numbers, it would seem air travel to be a more logical argument of how any virus could spread.
So with the increase in Coronavirus cases, one can argue that this whole idea of masks, social distancing, staying at home, and lock-downs hasn’t stopped any virus from spreading.
The World Health Organization changed their view on lock-downs in October saying it was the wrong way to manage the virus.
So California, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin governors, (all Democrats by the way) have up the ante; threatening citizens with fines and or jail time if they don’t comply with lock-downs and business closures.
So if lock-downs, etc., didn’t work in the past, yet these governors think it’s going to work this time; seems to meet the popular definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

The Good News.
Like him or not, President Trump did initiate Operation Warp-Speed (OWS) to expedite vaccines for Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). See OWS Timeline, Local PDF. World-wide, there are some 115 potential vaccines in the works.
Operation Warp-Speed was publicly discussed back in March 2020 as a public-private partnership “to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.”
Despite a disinformation campaign that President Trump had no plan to address the Coronavirus, Joe Biden admitted he has no real plan to address the Coronavirus, and indicated he has adopted President Trump’s plans.
The Trump Administration released a detailed vaccine distribution strategy back in September (1 page info graphic). (Last complete update Oct. 29, 2020).
Thus far, we seem to have at-least three successful (about 95% effective) vaccines. To coordinate and develop this effort has never happened at such a fast rate in world history.
Before CV-19, the fastest vaccine ever developed took five years, and that was for the Ebola Virus. Most vaccines where a cure was found took 10-15 years to develop. President Trump is on target for a Coronavirus vaccine in about eight months. Happy Thanksgiving!
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