October 29, 2020; 6:03 AM EST. Original publish date.
November 10, 2020 Repaired broken video link/ minor typographical.

written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. Most people are aware what many in the media have called Biden’s “gaff’s.”
It’s not unreasonable to say that most if not all politicians are like people. They sometimes say things that are untrue or incorrect. Sometimes this is deliberate to deceive people. Others times, one may be caught-up-in-the-moment and forgot what the facts of the underline subject was really about.
Mental Fitness.
I’ve been studying the cognitive history comparing three public officials: President Ronald Reagan, President Donald J. Trump and the former Vice President, Joe Biden.
I’m not a doctor, and I’m not here to diagnose anyone’s medical or mental capacity. I can reference my formal education and professional training in studying behavior. I can apply those references, and unfortunately state that I had many years’ experience managing care for someone who developed declining cognitive issues. I can speak to that first-hand experience and relate such to what many others have observed by these said public figures.
This mental impairment doesn’t happen overnight. A person can have good days and bad days. This impairment can happen over many years to varying degrees; or become more rapid in a shorter time period in others.
The person of personal experience I had care for managed to pass an in-depth written real estate exam on the first try; but could not pass a 2-page multiple choice driver’s license exam after multiple tries.
This person could read any normal size font online or in books. Mr. Biden regularly reads campaign speeches using a massive large font on a teleprompter.
2020 Biden Teleprompter seen at scarce attended drive-in rally reminding him what to say.
Social media platform Twitter, apparently deleted the teleprompter video but there are copies. We captured a screen shot of Twitter’s deletion here.
When it comes to cognitive health, there may be various treatments including pharmaceuticals, that may help slow the cognitive disease, but there is no current cure. Research from the Mao Clinic and the CDC suggests, much of cognitive decline appears to be age-related from reduced brain function.
“Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that disrupts a person’s ability to function independently.”
— Source: Mao Clinic, Retrieved Oct. 28, 2020
It is not uncommon for a person of Biden’s age to show signs of mental deficiency. In fact, early declining cognitive signs can occur before age 65.
Just because one is older, doesn’t mean they will develop cognitive problems. This is the big mystery as to why some people develop issues and others do not. Diet could play a role. The Mao Clinic has ideas on the cause, but have said that testing for it is controversial.
According to dementia.org, there are seven stages of dementia. Take a quick look at these stages and see if you see any cognitive signs that might apply to someone.
Cognitive deficiencies could include making incoherent sentences, forgetting their location, forgetting one’s spouse or kid’s name, and unable to recall recent events.
“The early signs of the disease may be forgetting recent events or conversations.
As the disease progresses, a person with Alzheimer’s disease will develop severe memory impairment and lose the ability to carry out everyday tasks.”
— Source: Mao Clinic, Retrieved Oct. 28, 2020
In my experience, one could tell someone with declining cognitive functions a joke; wait less than a minute; tell them the same joke, and it was like they heard it for the first time.
President Reagan’s Mental Fitness.
In January 1989, President Ronald Reagan completed his second term in office at age 77. It wasn’t until 1994, Reagan was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
“Over the past twelve months we began to notice from President Reagan’s test results symptoms indicating the possibility of early stage Alzheimer’s Disease.”
— Source: The Reagan Library, Nov. 1994.
President Reagan realized he was experiencing cognitive issues, and his wife, Nancy also spoke about this.
There were a few minor cognitive signs during Reagan’s second term, but nothing that really raised red flags that alerted the general public. Even the New York Times didn’t really take issue with this until 1997; some eight years after the Reagan Presidency.
President Trump’s Mental Fitness.
Many in the media have questioned president Trump’s mental fitness, but have not actually been able to provide citation of specific examples or consistent mental errors to show a loss of cognitive ability.
In my research experience, one can find doctors or scientists to make anything to appear as it’s believable. But when looked at with a critical and broader view, these pseudoscience persons are eventually called out.
As President, Trump has made several years of countless speeches, hour-long or longer press conferences. He has spoken at campaign rallies at an hour or longer at a time, and done so in multiple states, all on the same day.
Whether one likes Trump or not, it doesn’t matter. The point here is, that it takes a very strong person mentally and physically to have that kind of stamina to repeatedly perform before a massive public.
Most people would be exhausted after one plane ride to one location, let alone four plane rides in a day; the stress of traveling in a caravan hoping you’re not attacked by crazies; then having to make multiple energetic presentations before massive audiences and show no signs of even fatigue.
This doesn’t include the time when the President may be on the phone with world leaders; working out trade deals, fighting 24-7 negative adversaries, and generally running the country.
If there was cognitive impairment here, this would be obvious to most; and the media would be broadcasting such, pointing out the deficiencies.
Many in the press just doesn’t like Trump for albeit political ideological differences, and that’s fine. The media and the public have the Constitutional (First Amendment) right to complain about their political leaders and government.
But to argue mental or a decline in cognitive, or other abilities, just doesn’t pan out in this President’s case.
Biden’s Mental Fitness.
In contrast, there has been little discussion in the media regarding Biden’s mental fitness. Not that there is nothing to discuss, but rather, many don’t want to discuss it.
Joe Biden will be 78 years old this November 20th. If he were to be elected, he would be the oldest person to ever serve as a U.S. President.
Biden isn’t at this state of full-blown cognitive decline, but there are what seems to be frequent and ongoing signs right now. If I am correct, these cognitive issues will become worse over time.
According to the Mao Clinic, there is a stage between expected cognitive decline and more serious cognitive problems.
“Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia. It’s characterized by problems with memory, language, thinking or judgment.
If you have mild cognitive impairment, you may be aware that your memory or mental function has “slipped.””
— Source: Mao Clinic, Retrieved Oct. 28, 2020
Again, I’m not here to diagnose or treat anyone. I’m just noting what the science says to be aware of, and comparing that to what I had observed for many years in another person. My view is Biden’s current independent faculties are already a risk for America.
One should ask the question:
Do you think that Biden has “slipped” cognitively on…
(a) one occasion?
(b) on a number of occasions?
(c) on more regular occasions?
If your answer was ‘(b)’ or ‘(c),’ you’re probably correct. If your answer was ‘(a),’ keep reading and see why there could be more to this.
I am under the impression that ‘Biden’s policies’ would likely not be carried out by Biden. Rather, Biden’s representatives (handlers) and influencers, will push him into a direction that puts America as we currently know it at risk.
The politically left Marxist-Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who is Biden’s co-chair on the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force said, “we” (progressives such as “The Squad“) will be able to push Biden on any progressive issue.
“Overall, we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction across policy issues…(including)… foreign policy…immigration…(and)…criminal justice…”
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Source: MSN & the Washington Examiner. (video link).
I have previously discussed policy issues that would be damaging to the U.S., the economy; personal liberties such as stacking the Supreme Court, restricting free speech, gun bans & confiscation threats, and destroying the existence of personal healthcare choices with one big government program.
An analysis of those Biden polices are in this report.
I would argue that Ms. Cortez and many others in the “Democratic” party clearly see that Biden is physically weak, and suffering from a cognitive decline.
If Trump was promoting these same harmful policies, I’d be writing about why those policies are harmful for America.
Biden’s policies aren’t the only ones I have taken issue with.
In 2015, before Trump was even on the political radar, I cited how the political (big government) establishment of both Republicans and Democrats were failing America.
In January 2016, I pointed out what I saw as the obvious lack of enthusiasm for the “chosen” Republican presidential candidate, Jeb Bush.
Joe Biden, like Republican Jeb Bush also has an enthusiasm problem.
In 2020, I argued that this Fox News poll was riddled with oversampling; and so was this one. They aren’t the only ones with poll bias.
I nor NetAdvisor.org® have NOT endorsed any political candidates ever. Recall, part of our non-profit mission is to perform an “analysis with a transparent look into U.S. public policy.”
We are looking at policies, being honest about what they really are about; examine and forecast impact. If implemented, we look at the impact of such policies.
My view is that mental capacity can and would have a material (negative) impact on Biden’s judgement, thus risks being influenced by stronger minds.
Biden Videos. Concern Over Mental Fitness.
We have collected a sample of 2019-2020 videos for the public to review and make your own decision whether you think there are any cognitive issues with Mr. Biden.
2020-09-26 Biden memory: Claims He Got to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago.’
2019-09-12 During the Democratic debate, Biden referees to himself as the current Vice President of the United States.
Biden: “I’m the Vice President of the United States.” pic.twitter.com/r3ZXwsfFGZ
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 13, 2019
2020-12-19 Don’t know where to start. Just watch the video.
Biden: "I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight & watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap…" pic.twitter.com/GXSgRVSti6
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) December 1, 2019
So, Biden talked about kids touching his hairy legs. He learned about roaches and kids jumping on his lap? Does this sound like someone you would want to make all decision for you?
2020-03-02 Biden Memory – We hold these truth to be self-evident:
Make it stop. It is now cruelty. pic.twitter.com/abLItTpzia
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 2, 2020
2020-03-24 Biden: “We have to take care of the cure that will make the problem worse no matter what.”
2020-04-09 Biden on “making sense.”
2020-03-25 Biden is seen waving his left hand, motioning for help. Facial expressions appears to show his confused state, and then says, “let me go to the second thing.”
Let Me Go To The Second Thing @FoxNews Has Officially Joined The Mortuary Of News, Information & Insulting My Intelligence
@JoeBiden holds 3-point edge over @realDonaldTrump in White House race: poll pic.twitter.com/vgVXRuPmec
— bobby (@RobertArea45) March 25, 2020
2020-04-05 Biden seems completely lost and confused in this ABC News interview from Biden’s home.
“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy ‘sakes’ second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”
— Joe Biden, Apr. 05, 2020 (video below)
2020-04-16 Joe Biden difficulty during MS-NBC interview.
2020-04-17 Biden CNN interview from Biden’s home struggling through CNN interview about World War II.
“Um, you know, there’s a uh, during World War…(pause) Two, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he’s called it a, you know, the World War Two, he had the World, the War Production Board.”
— Joe Biden, Apr. 17, 2020 (Video below)
2020-04-28 Biden: What we need is more “economic intercourse?”
.@JoeBiden: What we need is more “economic intercourse” pic.twitter.com/zLa8hqspC0
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 28, 2020
2020-05-04 Biden: ‘Workers don’t Have to Leave Work…to Be Fired in Order to get sick to be able to continue to live.’ Biden separately said “600,000” Americans dead due to Coronavirus when at the time the number was 60,000. (Video below):
2020-09-15 Biden Rambling at Florida Round-table Event.
Biden rambling about something: ‘If you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care running’ uh…you know, a department store – uh thing, you know – where in the second floor of the ladies department – or whatever, you know what I mean?’
So that was second floor of the ladies department? And no, we don’t know what you mean?
2020-03-08 Biden Confusion – We can only re-elect…
The above March 8 video was edited and left out Biden’s second part of his sentence which really is just as confusing of a statement.
Biden realized his (mental) gaff and then continued: “Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here.”
Circular firing squad?
2020-03-24 Biden at one point seems to get totally lost after an interview with a lady reporter.
2020-05-14 Biden: ‘We’ve lost 85,000 jobs and millions and millions of people…’
Joe Biden: "We're in the middle of a pandemic that has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people, millions of people, millions of jobs." pic.twitter.com/P4b2CA27Yf
— The Hill (@thehill) May 14, 2020
2020-05-01 Biden at DNC Mortality Debate: “150 million people have been killed by gun violence since 2007?”
That would be nearly half-of the entire current U.S. population.
Reminds me of the time he claimed that 150 million people have been killed by gun violence since 2007.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) May 1, 2020
2020-09-07 Biden Confusion of where his handlers are during a scripted speech. Where’s My Staff?
2020-07-22 Biden Memory: ‘Nurses would actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.’
2020-07-00 Biden Confusion of what’s happening around him, and overly concerned about the weather. Is it raining outside?
The above was meant to be a parody but you get the idea.
2020-10-12 Biden “slips” again, forgets the name of Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT); and refers to Romney as “the Senator who is a Mormon, the governor.”
JUST IN: Joe Biden on #AmyConeyBarrett: "Her faith should not be considered… You may remember I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who was a Mormon, the governor." pic.twitter.com/tjHOxxlGUr
— The Hill (@thehill) October 12, 2020
I’m not sure what Biden was referring to about running against Romney because Romney became the junior Senator in 2019 from Utah. Romney also hasn’t been governor of Utah since 2007. As far as we could find, Biden never lived in Utah, let alone compete for any political office against Romney.
2020-10-25 Biden Confuses himself with President Trump and President George Bush (2001-2009).
2019-08-09 Biden Confusion: “We choose truth over facts.”
Anger, verbally lashing out (shouting) and confusion can be “very upsetting” and viewed as symptoms of cognitive impairment.
2020-10-24 Biden – ‘I am sick of smart guys.’
Environmental factors such as large and unfamiliar crowds can cause discomfort, thus affect a declining cognitive person’s behavior.
“Is the person overstimulated by loud noises, an overactive environment or physical clutter?
Large crowds or being surrounded by unfamiliar people — even within one’s own home — can be over-stimulating for a person with dementia.”
— Source: ALZ.org, Retrieved Oct. 28, 2020
This starts making one to wonder why Mr. Biden spent most of his time largely hiding at home, away from the public; away from hard questions from the press?
Confrontation could agitate a cognitive declining person, causing one to lash out as Biden did during the first debate.
Biden Pacing.
Odd. Biden seen pacing in the background while his wife Jill speaks during a drive-in rally in Bristol, PA. Video: CNN, Oct. 24, 2020.
2020-10-24 Joe Biden Confusion? “We have put together, I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
When Biden gets frustrated, he will often say, “C’mon, man,” hoping that the person who is communicating (challenging Biden intellectually or on facts) will just comply and agree with Biden.
We think his handlers have tried to train him to reduce saying this. In the last Presidential Debate Biden remove the “man” to just using “C’mon” eight times.
In the 2019 Democratic Debate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reminded Joe Biden’s lack of memory of Biden’s ideas for government.
These aren’t the only videos out there that question Mr. Biden’s cognitive capacity. These are just some samples we have collected over the last year.

I’m not the only one who has raised these issues. One media cited “Six Recent Examples of Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline…” Think there are more than six.
President Obama’s former doctor has said Biden is ‘not a healthy guy’ after reviewing medical info.
One has to ask: Is this the person I would want representing me at the table against radical lobby groups, Russia, China or Iran? Biden won’t have Teleprompters to tell them what he is supposed to think.
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