October 25, 2020
written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. Depending on what state you live in, your state economy may be doing well or poorly depending on the state’s management.
We analyzed recent (October 20, 2020) employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The BLS report doesn’t discuss Democrat or Republic states, it just looks at data. However, we found a pattern in the data, and this is what we discovered.
- 8 (eight) out of the top 10 (ten) states with the highest unemployment rates happen to be Democrat-ran states (chart above).
The unemployment is not due to a lack of jobs necessarily, but rather a lack of will by state governors who are preventing Americans from working. Many of these states prefer lock-downs which have done nothing to help those suffering economically in those states.
In contrast, based on the same BLS Report, we also found:
- 9 (nine) out of the top 10 (ten) states with the LOWEST unemployment rates happen to be Republican-ran states (chart below).
Voter Issues in 2020
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that the most important issue for voters in the 2020 election is the U.S. Economy. Climate Change and Abortion ranked at the bottom of voter priorities.

Lock-downs Don’t Grow the Economy.
States with extended lock-downs from the Coronavirus over-played their hand. That resulted in damaging their state economies.
Some of these states such as California, New York, and Illinois want federal bailouts. These three states have the highest taxes, and overall the highest cost of living in the USA. This is all done by the states’ design.
Those not living in those states may not be fully aware that these and other states have mismanaged taxpayer money for decades.
Our last report covering the management of states was in 2014. Trump wasn’t President and there was no Coronavirus. This indicates the financial issues didn’t start with Coronavirus. It’s a state management problem.
The Excuse Virus.
The Coronavirus was just an excuse to make state economies worse in hope for a federal bailout. We argue that some (D) states who oppose President Trump have deliberately sought to keep people out of work so their state economy fails.
Those states hope that voters will vote for a Biden presidency, who intern would grant unlimited bailouts by federally nationalizing state debt. Is that fair?
States were already given $200 Billion in CV-19 assistance, but now want at-least another $500 billion more.
If those states want more money, they can devise safe ways to re-open their economy as other states have done so successfully. They can issue bonds to raise money, raise taxes or better yet, cut government spending.
These states (CA, IL, NY) already have record high taxes, record high spending and record debt. They think the solution to their debt problem is more spending?
A majority of voters in these and other states have acted likely zombies: Repeatedly voting the same way expecting a different result?
The red and green charts above show which states have figured out how to best run their economies and who have been total failures. It will be voters who will decide if they want more of the same.
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