October 20, 2020, 7:15 AM EST.

written by Net Advisor™
NEW YORK, New York. On January 28, 2020, the CDC offered help to China with a new Coronavirus – China ignored the help. With no cooperation from China on January 31, 2020, President Donald J. Trump initiated a China Travel Ban. The purpose was to decrease the risk of the China-based virus from rapidly spreading into the US.
Many people managed to bypass this travel ban by traveling to Europe and other countries, then connect a flight to the U.S. This lead to Trump’s EU (report 2) and other country travel bans.
There were some 3 billion trips of people traveling to and from China, including the EU and USA during this time.
President Trump brought up his concern over a new virus coming out of Wuhan, China during the State of the Union Speech on February 4, 2020.
“Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”
— President Donald J. Trump, State of the Union Address, Feb. 4, 2020 (SOTU Address, P12).
At the time, 99.9% of the media and Congress ignored Trump’s warning. What got all the attention was House Speaker Pelosi tearing up a copy of Trump’s SOTU speech on camera.
Democrats’ sole focus was not the Coronavirus, but rather they spent all their time and taxpayer’s money on a politically-driven impeachment that was doomed to fail from the beginning.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called President Trump’s Jan. 31, 2020 China travel ban as ‘“un-American,” “Discriminatory,” and a “Threat” to (US) security.’
The Trump Admin’s expansion of its un-American travel ban is a threat to our security, our values and the rule of law. Barring more than 350 million people from predominantly African countries from traveling to the US, this rule is discrimination disguised as policy.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) February 1, 2020
In fact, the Democrat Speaker “encouraged” large groups to gather and celebrate the China Lunar New Year in her home district of San Francisco.
Many in media who are in political opposition to Trump, called Trump “racist” for his China travel ban.
The Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden called Trump, “xenophobic” and was promoting “hysteria” for issuing a protective travel ban from China, amid reports of a new virus spreading from China to other countries.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia…”
— said Joe Biden during a March 12, 2020 public campaign event in Iowa.
Six days later, Biden re-instated his disdain for Trump’s protective move for travel bans.

One short-sighted political editorial said Trump’s China travel ban actually ‘punishes’ Americans.
The Atlantic, among many others, called the Trump travel bans, a “Xenophobia Problem.”
Short-Sighted House Democrats.
Some 219 House Democrats supported the “No Ban Act” in March 2020, right before the peak of the Coronavirus in the USA. This Bill was introduced by REP. Judy Chu (D-CA). Had it somehow passed, it would have allowed unrestricted foreign travel in the USA. Which we all know now that would have put everyone in the USA at greater risk from the China Coronavirus and other unchecked health-risks.
Not a single Republican signed on to the travel ban. If they did, their names and criticisms would be included here too.
So one person (Trump), had the idea of a travel ban. Like him or not, in hindsight, Trump’s travel bans likely saved American lives.
The Coronavirus impact on America if ran by said Democrats, who were against travel bans; and seek pro open borders policies; would have clearly magnified the virus’ reach in the USA.
In early February 2020, New York, Democrat leaders encouraged celebrating the China Lunar New Year.
Today our city is celebrating the #LunarNewYear parade in Chinatown, a beautiful cultural tradition with a rich history in our city. I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about #coronavirus. https://t.co/bwCnIb7j8H
— Commissioner Dave A. Chokshi (@NYCHealthCommr) February 9, 2020
Another New York City council member and Chair of (NY) Health Committee, Mark Levine had this to say Feb. 9, 2020.
In powerful show of defiance of #coronavirus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYC's Chinatown for ceremony ahead of annual #LunarNewYear parade. Chants of "be strong Wuhan!"
If you are staying away, you are missing out! pic.twitter.com/NGBUAfHWpl
— Mark D. Levine (@MarkLevineNYC) February 9, 2020
China’s Healthcare Program?
While these Lunar New Year parties were being encouraged by Democrats in the USA, China on the other-hand was welding sick people’s doors shut so they could not get out. That’s called the Communist healthcare program.
New York Still in Denial
The New York governor Andrew Cuomo (D), was in complete denial of the virus’ origins. Cumo wrongfully blamed that the Coronavirus came from Europe, instead of China.
The New York Mayor Bill deBlasio (D) encouraged New Yorker’s to “go on with your lives,” get out, and even recommended going to the movies.
Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions. Here’s the first: thru Thurs 3/5 go see “The Traitor” @FilmLinc. If “The Wire” was a true story + set in Italy, it would be this film.
— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) March 3, 2020
So what is the result of these (New York) Democrat ‘leaders?’
More Americans have been killed from Coronavirus in New York than any other U.S. state.
We know all these people hate Trump and oppose everything he does for political reasons. That’s fine.
Here’s the problem.
These people are so blinded by their hate, they are incapable of making rational thinking, let alone coming up with solutions.
Dems OK with Coronavirus – Hope U.S. Economy Crashes?
Sick and demented Democrats were OK with the Coronavirus infecting Americans, as long as the virus’ impact hurts President Trumps’ 2020 re-election.
One Democrat hoped that the U.S. economy would crash, and this would help Democrats’ chances of winning in 2020.
“I’m ‘Hoping’ For ‘A Crashing Economy’ So We Can Get Rid Of Trump, ‘Bring On The Recession’.”
— Bill Maher, Video, Source: RCP, June 9, 2018
The completely deranged Bill Maher further said, the only way to save our Democracy was to have a recession?
So we need to destroy the U.S. economy, and put much of American out of work and in the poor house, and that will someone how save everyone?
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