October 9, 2020

written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have promised the most aggressive gun control measures since the American Revolution.
We know that sounds like a big claim and it is, but we can prove it using their own statements.
[1] Quick History Reminder.
We first cited key events from Law Professor David B. Kopel, first published by the Charleston Law Review, that led to the American Revolution.
Professor Kopel reminds of the U.S. history most of us heard as a child. It was when Paul Revere rode on his horse warning: “The British are Coming! The British are Coming!”
What was left out in that elementary school history lesson that Professor Kopel mentions was that the British were coming — they were coming to take the Colonists’ guns, cannons, and gun powder away {Report, Point [5]}.
The end result of gun and gun-related confiscation attempts by King George III, led to the Revolutionary War that led to America’s independence in 1776.
[2] Democrats Still At War With America.
Democrats have been attacking the Second Amendment ever since. This has led to massive regulations on guns from the federal, state and local level.
Technically, we’d argue the state or local laws that conflict with federal gun laws could be deemed unconstitutional under Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution.
“This Constitution…shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
— Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution.
Article VI, Parr 2 is dubbed, The Supremacy Clause, because it is deemed that the U.S. Constitution is the Supreme law of the land. Thus, any laws that conflict with federal law or the highest law, the U.S. Constitution by the states or local government is thus unconstitutional.
[3] Today’s Democrats Acting Just Like King George III
Democrats have sought for a total gun ban in the USA since 1961. They tried to do this in the 2016 election too.
Biden signed on to an agreement called, the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force. This 110-page document contains the most radical ideas America has ever seen. Our full analysis in this report.
“The Task Force believes gun violence in this nation is a public health crisis and must be treated as such…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p100).
What does this mean?
Based on Biden, Harris’ and their associates own statements is to begin with gun bans and then confiscation.
Biden said (Tweet above), that he would ban AR-15’s which could include any other guns Democrats don’t like — which is technically all of them.
Ask any Democrat elected official what type of guns do they think, American citizens should have? Ask: How many bullets should people have in a gun’s magazine?
Good chance they will evade any direct answers; or they will be quick to tell you what guns Americans can’t have.
[4] Biden’s False & Misleading Gun Claims.
First we know Biden has not proposed anything he wrote. His radical campaign handlers are making all the decisions for him.
When it comes to Gun Control, Biden claims he “shepherded” in the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (HR 1025). This is FALSE.
According to U.S. Congress, Biden was neither the author of the bill, nor a co-sponsor. Biden voted for the bill’s passage, but that’s it.
Biden defines civilian guns as “assault weapons” and “weapons of war” (p42). Biden is likely referring to AR-15 style of guns technically called “long guns.” Long guns also include all rifles and shot guns. We’ve have previous debunked this “weapons of war” myth.
[5] Biden Would Prohibit On-Line Gun and Ammo Sales.
Biden promised to prohibit gun and ammo sales online. All firearm dealers (FFL) that conduct retail store or gun sales online require federal background checks.
Biden supports background checks, but he also supports banning on-line gun sales. Biden also seeks to prohibit sales of gun kits and gun parts online (p4).
[6] Biden Now Supports Making Gun Manufactures Liable for Gun Owners Use or Misuse.
Biden was against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005. This act protected gun manufactures and dealers from being sued for a gun owner’s use or misuse of a firearm (p2). Now Biden supports the measure.
Anytime there is a shooting; whether accidental, intentional such as a suicide, criminal (gang-related), officer-involved shooting, etc., Biden would allow the “victim” to sue to the dealer and the gun manufacturer (even if the gun was stolen). As if the dealer or the manufacturer was the one who actually did the shooting?
The political goal here is to bankrupt the dealers and manufactures so they sell can’t be in business anymore, thus end gun sales.
[7] Biden: Sell-Back Your Guns or Register Them.
Biden said that he wound mandate that the public be forced to sell back both weapons he deemed as “assault weapons” and magazines that hold ammunition. Biden did not say exactly how many bullets he would allow a magazine to have; but he did cite a federal hunting law that limits three shotgun shells (p2).
Those who did not comply would be required to register their designated guns on a federal registry. That way the government would know who has them, and where to go to confiscate them after a ban is implemented.
[8] Biden: 100% Firearms Sold Must be “Smart Guns” (Fingerprint).
Biden said he would require the move to 100% of guns sold in USA be, smart guns (p6-7). The so-called “smart guns” can require the owner’s memory-scanned fingerprint on the gun before it could fire (each time). There are also radio-frequency (RF-ID) smart guns when the user wears a special watch in order to use the particular gun.
Smart guns have been around for 20 years and are very expensive. Like all technology, smart guns can be hacked (report 1)(report 2).
Have you ever used your stored electronic fingerprint on your phone or other device and it didn’t work the first time? You had to keep touching the device to get the thing unlocked? Sometimes the fingerprint ID didn’t work, so you ended up using your code to access your own phone.
Now imagine your life depended on how fast you could accurately scan your fingerprint, carefully aim, and shoot an immediate hostile threat?
Imagine someone or a mob has broken inside your residence. You see they are armed and someone points their (probably stolen non-fingerprint) gun at you. You prepare to save your family’s life as you draw your Biden-regulated ID weapon. Suddenly you realize your fingerprint won’t scan right away; the RF chip isn’t working, or the batteries died. Your gun doesn’t work. Now you, and or your loved one(s) are dead, raped or both.
When faced with an armed opponent, any hesitation, malfunction or error can get you killed.
The idea of smart guns has good intentions as long as you never need to rely on technology including batteries to use it.
[9] Biden Would Require a License to Purchase Firearms.
Biden said he would create “incentives,” so states would require one to have a license in order to purchase a firearm. This is separate from a background check. Biden actually proposes that states or the federal gov would decide whether or not one could be issued a license to purchase a firearm (p5).
States or the federal government could then come up with any reason to revoke your permit: Taxes filed late, too many traffic tickets, you’re involved in some civil legal dispute, you have ‘enough’ guns, you voted ‘wrong,’ your zip-code is banned from permits being issued, or whatever.
This license to purchase is completely unconstitutional. But Democrats don’t care about your legal rights, they care about their control over you. That’s is what Totalitarians do.
[10] Mandatory Buyback (aka Government Confiscation).
By definition a mandate means something is required; usually by an order such as a court or government.
Kamala Harris supports a mandatory buyback of AR-15 style firearms – and confiscation.
When government mandates you do something it comes with the implied threat of or else.
What if you didn’t “volunteer” to turn in your guns for a ‘gift card’ or ‘cash’ from the government? What if the government says, you have to turn in your ________(list types of guns) by a certain date. What next?
Now you have another threat of confiscation. Biden said he selected radical anti-Second Amendment nut, Beto O’Rourke to handle ‘gun control’ if Biden were to be elected.
During the Houston Democratic presidential debate in September 2019, Beto O’Rourke said “Hell, yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47” (video).
Is Biden-Harris going to send in federal troops, or try and order states to force people to comply with the threat of jail time? You’ll have some Republican free states. But you’ll have plenty of Democrat-ran states who will be eager to help that enforcement effort; especially with those “incentives” Biden promised (p5).
Then what? This could turn into a big problem. Some people might be willingly to give up at some point, then off to federal prison they go. All the real criminals will be on the streets, because Biden will have emptied most of the prisons much like Communist leader, Fidel Castro did in 1980.
Then there are many others who might say, “Come and take it.”
Is government then going to kill U.S. citizens for exercising their ‘right to bear arms?’ This could be very problematic across America. A Biden government won’t go after the drug cartels, drug dealers, Antifa, BLM or their heavily armed militias. They are going after the soft targets – the single families in the suburbs.
All of this is a direct attack on the Second Amendment.
The government could try and stack the Supreme Court and overturn existing law that the High Court has upheld throughout U.S. history.
[11] Democrats Tried to Effectively Ban Hand Guns in DC.
In Washington DC, Democrats tied to create laws that effectively made owning or possessing handguns within the city impossible to defend oneself even in the home.
The U.S. Supreme Court made a definitive ruling in this case in District of Columbia v. Heller whereby ‘the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that weapon for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Moreover, this right applies not just to the federal government, but to states and municipalities as well.’
“In Heller, the Court held that
(1) the District of Columbia’s total ban on handgun possession in the home amounted to a prohibition on an entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly chose for the lawful purpose of self-defense, and thus violated the Second Amendment; and
(2) the District’s requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock also violated the Second Amendment, because the law made it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense.”
— U.S. Supreme Court said in 2008 in District of Columbia v. Heller (PDF)
Biden said he would require gun owners to “safely” store their guns in the home (p7). His gun control authors don’t elaborate what this entails, but this would appear to violate DC v. Heller.
Chicago Democrats then tried to argue that states should individually decide how to regulate firearms.
In this 2010 landmark case in re: McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2012), the U.S. Supreme Court NARROWLY (5-4) disagreed; and said that the ‘right to bear arms‘ IS protected under the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court further said the Second Amendment was incorporated under the 14th Amendment; thus ratifying for the first time in 234 years, making the Second Amendment’s rights formally apply to all U.S. states.
It was shocking to hear at that time, all four liberal justices didn’t think American citizens had the right to bear arms, and the the Second Amendment didn’t apply to citizens?
Can you imagine what kind of damage a Democrat stacked Supreme Court could do to America?
[12] Stacking the Supreme Court Could Undue U.S. Gun & All Democrat Hated Laws.
A stacked Supreme Court with Tyrants in the White House, and a Democrat-controlled Senate, could go after to overturn Heller and McDonald cases. They could also go after to overturn any Supreme Court case that protected gun rights in America such as United States v. Cruikshank (1875); Presser v. Illinois (1886); and Miller v. Texas (1894).
Democrats could also go after any Supreme Court case they don’t like, or agree with; or create cases that push a Tyrannical agenda on America.
[13] History – All Political Tyrants Forced Gun Control.
All tyrants throughout history including Dictator Julius Caesar, Tyrant King George III (1775), Socialist Benito Mussolini (1922), Communist Joseph Stalin (1929), Communist Mao Zedong (1935), Socialist Adolph Hitler (1938) all commanded to keep their people in constant fear of their government. After modern weapons became more available, these tyrants sought to disarm the public in order to maintain control over the population.
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
— Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist revolutionary and Founding father of the People’s Republic of China said Nov. 6, 1938.
Disarming America by threat of law or force is a dangerous idea. Biden said he would have ideas (like we have not already read them) to “restructure” the ATF – the agency that regulates firearms with in the first 100 days (p8).
The ATF has ‘secretly‘ moved to make 3-4 million guns owners in the USA into criminals. We don’t think President Trump has been aware of this.
[14] Obama-Biden 2011 Gun Ban.
Under the Obama-Biden Admin, some 850,000 collectible M1 and carbine rifles were banned from import. We’re guessing that you probably didn’t know this until you read this?
As the “Father of the United States Bill of Rights” said:
“To Disarm the People (is) the Best and Most Effectual Way to Enslave Them…”
— George Mason IV (1725-1792) Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5: Originally Quoted from George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380).
[15] Gun Control Talk or Action, Increases Gun Sales.
Just the talk of gun bans and confiscation led to all-time record sales of guns and ammo in the USA.
People are arming themselves at record levels suggests to us that there is public fear. That fear is that they might be confronted by government or street radicals (Antifa-BLM), who seek violent conflict with law-abiding citizens.
[16] Joe Biden & H. Clinton Flip Flopped on 2nd Amendment Rights.
Biden claims he supports the Second Amendment.
We’ll, Hillary Clinton said that too during the 2008 Presidential Debate in Philadelphia (Transcript PDF, p24).
But she also said the U.S. Supreme Court was “wrong” on the Second Amendment.
“Hillary Clinton slammed the Supreme Court as “wrong on the Second Amendment” and called for reinstating the assault weapons ban during a small private fundraiser in New York last week…”
Author George Orwell described this flip-flop as “Double Think.” Today we call this Double speak when a person appears to maintain two contracting beliefs.
“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them….
To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary.
Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”
— George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1949 (Source: Changing Minds.org).
Hillary Clinton said, that in politics, one needs to have a public position and a private position on policy (Wikileaks, The Podesta emails #927, p4). So, lie and say what voters want to hear, but in private you’re going to do whatever you want?
Harris has always been Anti-gun. Harris was the attorney general of California (reports on CA) from 2011-2017, and then the CA Senator since.
All kinds of new Gun Control laws were passed in the state during this time (see relevant reports 2011-2017).
Harris is the one who would control the mentally weak Biden, along with AOC, Bernie Sanders and other radicals when it comes to pushing their agenda.
[17] Biden Verbally Insults Union Worker Over 2A Rights.
Biden verbally insulted a Michigan union worker over Biden’s intent to rein in new gun control laws.
The actions of all the people around him, who are running his campaign, who Biden agreed to this platform, unknown person(s) tweeting on his behalf; Biden’s video-taped statements, all tell another story as to the biggest Gun Control plans for American since the American Revolution.
[18] Biden-Harris Ticket: Strongest Chance for Gun Control.
Radical gun-ban/ confiscation groups are so confident about Biden-Harris’ anti-gun polices, they made a video endorsement: (Video capture.)

[19] Liberals: Gun Safety Really Means Gun Confiscation.
Gun safety normally means, learning how to safely operate and proper care/storage of firearms. Safety is not the Democrat goal. For Democrats, gun safety means, gun bans and gun confiscation.
They would start with the ones that are highly accurate and “look scary” – AR-15 types. Again, the AR-15, like a hand-gun, fires one shot per pull of the trigger. And many hand guns can hold 30-50 rounds just like an AR.
All guns are designed so that the user could potentially kill someone or something. Many consider firearms for defense.
[20] Why Guns Matter to Americans.
America would NEVER have existed if King George III was successful at confiscating the guns and weapons from the Colonists. This issue was so important by our Forefathers, that they wrote this in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; arguably to back up the liberties of the First Amendment.
We talked about why guns are so much a big part of U.S. culture in this U.S. history educational report:
- Popular Reads: History: How The USA Became A Gun Culture.
According to Bookings, there are now some 400 million guns in circulation within USA. The U.S. population is about 330 million.
The major gun violence are in Democrat-ran cities and Democrat-ran states.
Dems don’t want to address the problem which is the lack of prosecution or harsh prison sentences to keep violent felons off the street (report). Their solution is to ban guns from mostly law-abiding citizens just looking to protect themselves from the violence created in especially those Democrat cities and states.
Biden-Harris’ revolutionary plans for gun control, bans and confiscation threats; along with stacking the U.S. Supreme Court should be very concerning for especially American voters.
See more articles and reports on U.S. Gun Policies/ Gun Control.
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