October 7, 2020

EXCERPT: As our readers know, we are known for in-depth review and analysis in our reports. In this report, we reviewed ten (10) major topics with over 80 sub-points of what the Biden Team plans are for America. We have found this to be the most dangerous power grab in U.S. history. Hard to believe? Read it yourself. All of the Biden plan discussed in this report came from the Joe Biden campaign website. Most of the major media will not discuss any of this at length; let alone challenge Biden or Harris on their plans for America. You can also jump to any one of the 10 key topics below.
Editorial, written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. Joe Biden may not be aware, but he did sign on to the Green New Deal. This 110-page plan is up on Biden’s own website (PDF copy).
The plan was not written by Biden. In fact, Biden hasn’t actually proposed anything on his own. All of the DNC platform ideas are being written by radical Democrats who seem to have excluded Biden.
Joe Biden signed on to the radical ideas of Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in order to get his base support. These radical efforts are co-chaired by former Obama Secretary of State, John Kerry (D). In over 30 years in federal office, Kerry never made a peace deal with anyone. Kerry and Obama-Biden gave a known terrorist state (Iran) billions of dollars in cash.
The other co-chair on this plan for America is the former bartender from Brooklyn, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “AOC” or Sandy Cortez. Other activists also contributed to this Green New Deal 2.0 (p42). They now call themselves the, “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force.”
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez recently said that her (Social-Marxist) group ‘can push Biden to a more progressive left across policy issues.’
“Overall, we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction across policy issues…”
— REP. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) Source: MSN (website/PDF archive)
.@AOC: 'We can likely push' @JoeBiden 'in a more progressive direction' if he's elected #JustTheNews #2020Election @NicholasBallasy https://t.co/PIr3HbXdCm pic.twitter.com/MiVvzsDsAd
— Just the News (@JustTheNews) September 16, 2020
They have ready done that. Policy and the old Democrat guard has no control over these new Hard Leftists. Let’s take a look at their plan for America and decide for yourself.
Jump to Topics.
Select topic to jump right to it. – or- Scroll down to read them in sequential order. (Wait a moment for the page to load before selecting topics).
[1] Biden Signed on to Social-Marxism.
[2] Background on the Biden Economic Team.
[3] Biden-Sanders Economic Plan is Based on Deception.
[4] Biden-Sanders Plan for Socialism in the U.S. Economy.
[5] Lights Out – U.S. Energy Killer. End Coal, Oil and Gas Wells.
[6] Healthcare.
[7] Immigration – Open Borders & Amnesty.
[8] Criminal Justice Reform.
[9] Education (Re-Education).
[10] Gun Control (Citizen Control).
Notes: Biden Controversy.
[1] Biden Signed on to Social-Marxism.
The Joe Biden Campaign made an agreement with the Social-Marxists including AOC in order to gain their support in the 2020 election. Now he has further support by Climate Activists such as 350.org and MA. Rep. Ayanna Pressley running Biden’s campaign policies.
Pressley is on record calling for “Unrest (aka riots) in the Streets,” and Targeting GOP Officials.
UNHINGED: Squad member Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for targeting GOP officials with “unrest in the streets” pic.twitter.com/WmHartKDDz
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 15, 2020
Rep Pressley is on the House Oversight Committee.
[2] Background on the Biden Economic Team.
No person on the Biden 2020 economic team as ever ran or managed a business. Let’s take a brief look at their backgrounds.
1. Economic Co-Chair Karen Bass (D-CA 37th) has never ran a business but has a master’s degree in social work. She is a hard-left liberal member of Congress from the Los Angeles area in California.
2. The other Economic Co-Chair Sara Nelson, a former airline flight attendant and flight attendant union leader also has no experience running a business, and has no formal education in a specialty area.
2. Jared Bernstein, was the chief economic advisor to then VP Joe Biden in the Obama Admin. Mr. Bernstein is now a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policies Priority. With this background, one would think that he must have some business background to be qualified to work in these areas?
Mr. Bernstein’s education includes a bachelor’s degree from the Manhattan School of Music, with a masters and Ph.D. in social work. He’s probably good at playing the double bass, but never ran a business, and has no business background. Amazing how Biden choose a music major to run economic policy for Biden?
3. Darrick Hamilton is the Executive Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State. He at least has an education in economics, but has no business experience.
4. Ben Harris spent two years as the Chief Economist and Chief Economic Advisor to then VP Joe Biden, now Executive Director at a university. Mr. Harris attended good schools, but has no actual business experience.
5. Stephanie Kelton, is a hard Left radical who worked as an advisor to the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign. Like Ben Harris, no business experience, and education is all theory-based. Somehow, Politico named her among 50 “thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016.” We’re not sure what she did for this, other than being an economic Socialist.
6. Lee Saunders, a liberal labor organizer/ pro-union advocate. He has no business experience. We’re not sure how he has earned his money since 2012.
7. Finally we have Sonal Shah, a liberal economist, former lobbyist, and who worked for the failed Pete Buttigieg 2020 presidential campaign. Ms. Shah worked for the far left, Center for American Progress, with a brief stint at Goldman Sachs. The only person on the Biden economic committee who was at least employed by a business firm. But her work had nothing to do with business finance, and instead, she focused on ‘green initiatives’ which probably explains why she isn’t there anymore.
Ms. Shah has been associated with a militant religious organization in India. This militant organization was responsible for the Gujarat riots in 2002. This was an uprising in violence that caused arson, widespread looting, destroyed property, and rapes; where over 1,000 people were killed and 2,500+ injured. Sounds a bit like Portland, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, Oakland, and Los Angles? Ms. Shah claimed that she has now “distanced herself” from the organization.
With these qualifications, Biden has really picked some winners that want to run the U.S. economy?
[3] Biden-Sanders Economic Plan is Based on Deception.
Throughout the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force plan, we find massive misinformation unsupported by any facts.
For example:
“The economy is not working for the American people…(and)…our economy was fundamentally flawed even before the novel coronavirus.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (P11).
Our analysis of this claim is: FALSE.
Here are the facts:
Pre-Coronavirus, the U.S. economy was booming with the unemployment rate at a 50- year low (all-time record).
The Biden team claimed, “Working Families’ incomes have been stagnant for decades” (p11). We’ll they were for eight years under the Obama-Biden Admin.
In fact, after eight years of Obama-Biden, more Americans were suffering at the highest poverty level since 1959. Obamacare forced companies who could not afford it to cut work hours, and many U.S. jobs were moved overseas.
Like him or not, we carefully examined Trump’s policies which led to higher U.S. wages across the board. This was not the result by any forced government mandate. In fact, data shows that low income and Afro-Americans were doing better economically as a whole than they ever did under the Obama-Biden Admin.
The U.S. poverty rate went from the highest it ever had been under Obama-Biden in 2014 to the lowest since 2001 by 2018 under Trump.
Middle-class incomes were at an all-time record level with lower taxes from the Trump Administration. The U.S. economy was doing better than any of the seven industrialized nations on the planet.
So we don’t know where the Biden team is coming up with these claims, but none are supported by any facts.
[4] Biden-Sanders Plan for Socialism in the U.S. Economy.
Democrats plan a “Reorganization of Government” (p53). Government decisions will all be based on climate policies.
” …Mobilization of historic, transformative public and private investments to launch a clean energy revolution that is accessible to and benefits environmental justice communities and communities at the frontlines of climate change impact.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p42)
Yes, it appears the Biden-Sanders Task Force speaks in Tongues. We translated what this means under their policy goals.
More on economic climate management:
“…we treat climate change like the emergency that it is.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p42).
In other words, kill off businesses that don’t fit their climate narrative, and get ready for more shutdowns and eternal mask wearing.
Here are some of the key Biden-Sanders economic policies.
1. Guaranteed unemployment wages (p12). Being paid not to work is not going to create jobs. Like who would want to work?
2. Save Bankrupt States Who Mismanaged Their Money by having the federal government borrowing more? (p12). States can borrow their own money, cut state spending, issue state and local bonds, and raise taxes. These Democratic states would rather just nationalize their debt so all states would pay for their own financial mismanagement. Is that fair?
3. Increase Federal Minimum Wage to $15 HR. This would impact small companies the most, killing jobs in order to pay people more, even if the company is losing money (p14). Good economic policies can drives wages higher naturally by lowering taxes, decreasing regulations, and create a more business friendly environment as occurred under Trump Admin. The record low unemployment made a more competitive work place, where companies have to pay people more to attract and retain good employees.
4. “Trustworthy Banking” (p18) & Bankruptcies (P45). Here’s some money, we trust you’ll to pay it back?
“Protect workers, taxpayers, communities, and the environment during bankruptcies.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p45).
Don’t worry if you can’t pay back any of that borrowed money. Democrats have made it easier to accelerate bank failures (again) by making it easier to discharge debt. Responsibilities are no longer necessary?
5. Debit Forgiveness.
- Working in government? $50,000 debt gone at $10,000 per year (p85).
- Need some “Covid Relief?” Odds are you don’t have the virus. But, just claim you need “Covid Relief,” and boom, $10,000 debt gone per person (p85).
There is no mention who is going pick up the tab to the creditors with the loans? Hint: Tax payers.
6. Subsidize Housing, Control Rents & Home Prices?
Democrats seek “Dramatic increases in funding to provide more affordable housing, reduce prices…” (p72).
They also plan a…
“…new Bill of Rights will prevent mortgage brokers from leading borrowers into loans that cost more than appropriate, prevent mortgage servicers from advancing a foreclosure when the homeowner is in the process of receiving a loan modification, give homeowners a private right of action.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p72).
A New Bill of Rights? Yes, that is what they said.
Basically, default on rent or on your mortgage and you can’t get be booted. Gov will decide what the rent and mortgage payment should be. Bye Bye housing market.
Homeless will also have housing choices first (p72).
7. Guaranteeing and Affordable Housing (p17). Democrats have this bizarre belief:
“…tens of millions of Americans live in homes that pose risks to their health and safety.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p17).
Really? After all these years, had no idea that we were just one election away from ‘tens-of-millions’ of deaths for just living in a politically unapproved home?
It appears, their idea of risk includes not living in an “energy efficient” home. As with all their mantra in their plan, everything is based on “racial inequities” (p17).
“We will equalize access to affordable credit and improve access to down payment assistance to help families of color, low-income families…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p17).
So the government will determine what the price of a home should be, who will get credit, and provide down-payment for housing?
As a reminder, the idea of government forcing banks to lend to people to buy real estate who could not ordinary qualify; let alone ever pay back the loan; was the foundation that caused the last real estate crash and recession.
Obama-Biden took on more risk during that time which made the economy worse. Over 500 U.S. banks failed from home loan other consumer loans and defaults hit historical records.
Doing this again, is asking to repeat the same result.
The U.S. does have some “affordable” housing under Section 8, [42 USC § 1437f] passed by Congress on Sept. 1, 1937, and as amended through 2018.
8. “Closing the (racial) Wealth Gap.” (p19). Because wealth equals racism? Yes, says Democrats:
“The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color, especially Black Americans, and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p19).
Holding our country back? From what exactly?
So Democrats believe that when big companies make products more affordable for consumers, that’s “holding back” – “especially Black America?” In other words, Democrats think Black American can’t survive in America without their help? Doesn’t that sound a bit demeaning, if not racist?
We already discussed how low income, middle class and Afro-Americans as a whole, were actually doing the best they ever had based on Trump’s polices of lower taxes, record low unemployment numbers, and naturally (economically driven, not government driven) higher wages.
9. Making International Trade “Fairer” (p19). FYI: President Trump already has renegotiated U.S. trade deals that are “fairer” to the U.S. workers and business.
10. “Workers and People Over Profit“ (p43). Businesses will be pleased to hear that profits are no longer important? If Democrats are in-charge, you will not be allowed to make a profit, or exist, unless you are a government approved business – “whatever it takes” (p43).
11. “Prioritize a More Diverse, Inclusive Workforce“ (p44). We’re going to discriminate against certain people; especially against those who don’t follow our viewpoint?
12. “Tackling Runaway Corporate Concentration“ (p20). Big business is always bad business, unless they support Democrats? Most of the major tech companies back the Biden campaign as does most of their employees.
Trump and mostly conservatives have raised issue about what appears to be monopolistic, or oligarchy censorship practices within big tech. Abusive monopolies and the sort are prohibited under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 [15 USC §§ 1-38].
13. Guaranteed Retirement Wages (p20). Democrats guarantee higher retirement wages, funded by the federal government by taxing those who still work? This will somehow solve the social security or U.S. national debt problem?
14. No More “Right to Work.” Democrats plan to repeal your “right to work.” Basically all jobs in America will be pushed to be union jobs. Bye bye small business. Hello higher prices at retail.
15. Unionize Illegal Aliens & End Raids of Illegal Alien Labor (p67). Thought Democrats were against worker exploitation? Now they want to guarantee it.
16. Expand Social Security. Didn’t save enough or at all for retirement? No problem.
Democrats plan to:
“Expand Social Security by Making Social Security more progressive and generous, with meaningful increases in the minimum benefit, a benefit plus-up to all beneficiaries…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p73).
More money sounds like a nice idea. Who doesn’t want more money who isn’t already overly well-to-do? But one has to ask how many hundreds-of-billions or trillions of dollars is this going to cost?
Existing Social Security cost taxpayers $952.5 Billion just in 2017. This number expected to jump to over $1 Trillion for 2020.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has warned about ‘long-term shortfalls under existing scheduled benefits and financing.’
These “Democrats” complain (p73) that Social Security payments can be limited because of WEP/GPO. Democrats want social security to be fully handed to those who have existing pensions, including those already receiving life-time government pensions.
17. Your State or Pension Manager a Bad Investor? No problem.
More FREE MONEY. Democrats seek to:
“…shore up public and private pensions and help to ensure workers keep their earned benefits by passing legislation that provides a path towards helping distressed plans.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p73).
The good news is that under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), all U.S. company (private corporate/ business) pensions are guaranteed by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) – a U.S. government agency. In the event a corporation goes under, PBGC continues to make payments to the beneficiary of the pension as if the company was still in business.
This policy on (p73) really goes after to shore up underfunded state pensions, which are not protected by PBGC. If they were, states would never save or invest a dime if they knew the feds would ultimately pay state workers’ pensions. There just isn’t enough money in the federal government to pay all state employees their pensions and benefits.
However, this burden of unlimited or unspecified funding could be enacted under Biden if Democrats control the House and Senate.
If state pensions ever hit shortfalls, they have the legal ability to raise taxes or cut spending in their own state. This should only impact those living in the affected states.
This plan would reward state governments for continued mismanagement.
18. Turn USPS (the federal government) into a Public Bank (p74).
Plan seeks to turn the U.S. Postal Service into the banking business, and provide low-interest loans. There is massive conflicts of existing regulation here, but Democrats don’t care about law, or costs, they care about ideology.
Aside from the fact that every postal worker would have to become trained and licensed bankers to the degree of work performed; all USPS locations would have to be retrofitted to have the security of a bank including a vault. We roughly guesstimate that this alone could be hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars.
Taxpayers would now be responsible for massive USPS retail mortgages, personal loans, credit card, and other loan defaults. With the bankruptcy protection in this Green New Deal 2.0, government would likely get nothing, leading to massive abuse and financial fraud on the government.
19. Massive Additional Regulations is also implied on U.S. financial institutions, prohibit usurious interest rates which address higher rates for high risk borrowing (p74).
Almost all of the premise for this and other Democrat policies hereto is based favorable based on race. Favoring one race over another by definition is racism.
20. Raise Taxes.
“Use taxes as a tool to address extreme concentrations of income and wealth inequality.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p75).
“If you vote for me your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.” – Joe Biden pic.twitter.com/llFZnxo1Cw
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 4, 2020
Raising taxes in a fragile or what would be a weak economy is always a bad idea. Higher taxes never created prosperity for a country. In fact our 2014 report showed that after 50+ years fighting the War on Poverty, created more poverty.
21. Punish the Wealthy. Prohibit investment and other tax exemptions (p75).
What are the implications?
The Biden-Sanders plan includes exempting (discriminating) the “wealthy” by prohibiting their participation in retirement programs, taxing tax-exempt investments (p75).
This seems to refer to making existing tax exempt interest for investing in things such as public/ government bonds, municipal bonds such as school bonds (used to build/ maintain schools); and other state bond projects that you probably have seen on your state ballot from time to time. This Democrat policy would likely include exempting the tax-free income from U.S. treasury securities (which is used to finance the federal government’s debt).
Unless you know a bunch of people who can come up with the $1 Trillion+ year in interest only payments on the U.S. national debt; investors will just move money out of municipal bonds and treasury security, and move money overseas.
Introduce a Black Swan Event to the financial markets, and all hell can break loose. If you want to see the biggest market crash in history, do exactly this plan.
The result of this would crash the $41 Trillion U.S. bond market. The U.S. economy, all banks, all lending institutions would collapse. The processional-effect or Butterfly Effect would then to collapse the U.S. stock market (massive redemptions) and affect the $100 Trillion (2018) global bond market. All life as we know it would turn to total chaos. It would be like all the riots, looting, murders magnified 500 million times.
We are not trying to be Chicken Little here, but as a person who worked in this industry as a risk manager and top qualified expert and in multiple areas, I can tell you the likely scenario of how markets will tend to react to data based on historical events.
Initially just the serious talk of this would create a sell-off. Sometimes a sell-off event can last several days until “leaders” say, ‘Oh Snap, this is probably not a good idea?’ But those who wrote this Green New Deal 2.0, actually want these things to happen; and they are completely clueless as to their costs and economic impact.
Keep in mind that these crazy policies proposed under Joe Biden & other radical “Democrats” was partially co-underwritten by an ex-bartender.
The funny part is Democrat and associated campaigns are financed in part by 94 Democrat billionaires.
22. Targeted Taxes on Large Banks (P75).
What these non-business people don’t know is that anytime government adds a costly regulation or higher taxes, the businesses just passes on this cost to the consumer in the form of high prices and fees.

23. Guaranteed Job & Income. This is nice. Everyone would like to have a job except for the fact that this Green New Deal Manifesto already has provisions to pay people, and pay them well, not to work.
So those who choose to stop watching Netflix after a few years, and who want to work, a guaranteed job will be there? What kind of job you ask? We’ll they don’t tell you because they have no clue either. In theory, there is a guaranteed job (p76) and income at least $15 an hour income (p14), and it probably has to do something with solar panels and windmills.
24. Economic Recession? No problem, More FREE Money!
“During periods of acute economic downturns…keep workers whole by supporting federally-funded short-term compensation programs.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p76).
25. Biden Democrats: America is Racist?
“The United States today is beset by multiple, overlapping crises, including runaway income and wealth inequality, the worst global pandemic in a century, and the scourge of anti-Black racism.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p78).
This is coming from the (Democratic) party that founded the KKK, and repeatedly voted against civil rights throughout U.S. history? (Our reports on this pending. Public data already out there if you can’t wait to see our independent research.)
Now that the U.S. economy went from free and independent, to a Big Government-Controlled Socialist-Climate-Policy, let see how the Biden team plans to manage U.S. energy.
[5] Lights Out – U.S. Energy Killer. End Coal, Oil and Gas Wells.
“Eliminate carbon pollution from power plants by 2035.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p47).
Hope you don’t mind living in the dark, no longer driving gasoline or diesel cars & trucks; or flying on an airplane, cooling or heating your residence? Gone by 2025.
27. No More Gas-Powered Cars & Diesel Trucks.
“…accelerate the adoption of zero-emission vehicles in the United States…construct new or retool existing U.S. facilities to manufacture electric vehicles, including heavy duty trucks, school buses, transit buses, aircraft, and more.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p48).
Who’s paying for all that?
28. Democrats Promise More Power Blackouts?
“…reclamation and remediation of legacy coal sites and oil and gas wells…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p44).
What this means is they intend to end U.S. coal, oil and gas wells. This would take the U.S. from being energy independent under Trump, to massive blackouts, and decreased power like California.
Democrats’ think they can rely on solar and wind to power the entire country. The science says this is not reliable and is ineffective, but we’re going to do it anyway?
“You actually cannot harvest 100% of the sun’s light with photovoltaics (solar panels), because of the laws of physics.”
Don’t let science get in the way of a radical agenda.
As much as we all wish we count run the planet on solar and bird killing wind turbines (PDF), they just don’t produce the amount of energy America or any other country need.
In 2019, renewable energy accounted for just 11% of the total U.S. energy consumption. Whereas petroleum, natural gas and coal accounted for 80% of the consumed energy in the U.S.

The Obama-Biden energy plans were a complete and costly disaster.
In 2012 under Obama-Biden, oil prices skyrocketed 178% sending gas prices to record levels. The Obama-Biden Admin handed Russia our land, and some of our oil – for free.
Our 2014 report found that Obama-Biden’s new green initiatives, not only led to at least 26 “Green Energy” bankruptcies; those initiatives also helped create foreign jobs.
Further, Obama-Biden green initiatives helped cut U.S. energy jobs, and put the U.S. power grid at risk (report).
After working to destroy U.S. economy and U.S. domestic energy, Democrats want to change construction laws too.
29. Change Construction laws (p48).
The best part is no more new buildings would be allowed to be built unless they meet what would be costly new construction regulations?
“Net-Zero New Buildings by 2030.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p48)
Democrats seek ‘Zero-emission energy retrofit 4 Million Buildings; 2 Million Households all within 5 years’ (p48).
One question: Who’s paying for all that?
Economic Impact:
An economic review of just changing U.S. energy policy would result in 5.3 Million lost U.S. jobs. Plus, the average family of four would lose $8,000 per year through (at least) 2040. Renewal energy alone would cost U.S. taxpayers roughly est. $5 Trillion.
If you haven’t already had a heart-attack after the death of the U.S. economy and domestic energy, let’s see if that heart-attack is covered under Biden.
[6] Healthcare.
Democrats intend to pass “UNIVERSAL, AFFORDABLE…HEALTH CARE“ (p28).
Republicans, or anyone else is not allowed to have any opinion or ideas that are in contrast to the Social-Marxists; and here is the proof:
“Democrats’ efforts to guarantee health coverage have been met by obstruction and opposition from the Republican Party.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p90).
Because Republicans haven’t gone alone with Socialistic healthcare, the Totalitarian-Marxists will tell you how healthcare is going to be from now on?
30. We are going to have “universal health care coverage” (p28).
That’s one healthcare system for all. This “Medicare For All” has a price-tag of $52 Trillion just for first 10 years.
The Social-Marxist Plan destroys the existing healthcare system.
Obamacare was not only UNaffordable, only 2.5% of the U.S. has it. Read more in The Truth About Obamacare.
“Democrats meet this moment by guaranteeing free or low-cost health care coverage for every American, including by expanding Medicaid, subsidizing employer health insurance for people who lose their jobs, and offering a high-quality low or no cost public option available without a deductible and with automatic enrollment…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p89).
Basically everything will be “free.” All your earned income will go away but a few bucks to pay for your and everyone else’s healthcare.
31. Ensure mandatory 90-day special enrollment period (p89).
Democrats plan on aggressively enforcing antitrust laws against costly consolidation and price increases” (P93). Price controls historically leads to the disruption of products services (shortages) and massive inflation costs to consumers. Got toilet-paper?
33. Gov pays 100% your healthcare if unemployed.
Provide 100% COBRA coverage (p89).
“Democrats believe the federal government should pick up 100 percent of the tab for COBRA insurance.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p30).
Yes, this is Cobra coverage mentioned twice in two different areas of the plan.
34. Low fees and ZERO deductible healthcare.
“Democrats will also make available …federally administered health insurance option with low fees and no deductibles.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p30).
We assume that the doctors, nurses, staff, hospitals, construction, and everyone else tied to performing any work within healthcare are not working for free. So, who again is picking up the bills?
35. Low Cost RX.
“Democrats will take aggressive action to ensure that Americans do not pay more for prescription drugs than people in other advanced economies” (p32).
FYI: President Trump has already done this, but by Executive Order because Democrats refused to support any bill that gives Trump a “win.”
Next, Democrats legalize anyone and everyone on the planet who comes to, or is already in the USA and they are covered too.

[7] Immigration – Open Borders & Amnesty.
Illegal immigration was a key subject during the 2016 election. Now in the upcoming 2020 election, almost no one is talking about illegal immigration in 2020.
The Biden-Sanders plan for immigration is simple. It comes down to this: Make everyone in the U.S. a legal citizen; and anyone who wants to come to the U.S. make them a citizen too (amnesty).
The New York Post discussed how Biden, “surrendered middle ground on immigration by embracing extremism.”
“Joe Biden has surrendered middle ground on immigration by embracing left’s extremism.”
— New York Post, Aug. 19, 2020
This has received close to no major media attention. Here is the breakdown of the Biden-Sanders plan.
36. Rescind Trump’s National (Border) Emergency order.
“Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency…””
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p38).
Trumps order not only helped secure the invasion that was occurring at the U.S. border (examples photo above); it also helped slow the what would have been the spread of Coronavirus coming to the U.S. from foreign countries.
There were 16 Democrat-led states that sued to BLOCK Trump’s order in February 2019. Only two of those states actually share a border with Mexico.
The Democrat-controlled House also tried to block Trump’s immigration order. Even the Republican-controlled Senate tried to block Trump.
Like him or not, Trump was the only person whose border actions actually protected America from the spread of Coronavirus by blocking potentially millions of illegal aliens into the U.S.
People still got in; some illegally, and some legally after screening.
The biggest problem with criminal aliens is not people seeking a better life. It’s sex trafficking young girls and adult women into the USA.

Clearly Democrats and some Republicans could care less about sex trafficking in the USA; so long as Democrats get more voters, and some Republicans help certain businesses get cheap labor. No wonder no one is talking about this.
Next in the Biden-Sanders plan:
37. End Coronavirus Travel Ban.
“Terminate the Trump Administration’s discriminatory travel and immigration bans…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (P38).
We just covered this and why these travel bans are important right now.
Again, travel bans help reduce spread of bringing Coronavirus into the USA. Also notice Trump’s travel bans (thus far for the nearly 4 years) stopped terrorism into the USA.
By blocking travel from hostile Anti-U.S. countries such as Iran, Libya, Syria, North Korea and others to the USA. President Obama had virtually the same travel ban. No one called Obama racist when he implemented travel bans.
Clearly Biden and fellow Democrats could care less about bringing in foreign viruses into the U.S. that could likely result into further shutdowns, government control and massive unemployment.
Biden and fellow Democrats could care less about bringing terrorism into the USA either.
Biden promised to keep schools closed, and shutdown the U.S. economy if “scientists” told him to. We doubt that Biden would be making few decisions in office, and would more than likely be told, or talked-into what to do, just like this Biden-Sanders plan.
38. Amnesty.
“We will reinstate, expand, and streamline protections for Dreamers and the parents of American citizen children to keep families together in the communities they have long called home” aka amnesty for non-U.S. “Dreamers” and alien parents.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (pps 38-39).
Hate to bust their bubble, but if parents were citizens of a foreign country and came to the U.S. illegally and had children in the USA, those children are also technically illegal aliens.
Children born in the USA to parents who were lawful citizens of a foreign country; and who came to the U.S. unlawfully, are technically not U.S. citizens per the 14th Amendment. No one wants to talk about this. We researched this, and discussed our findings in this 2018 report.
Amnesty is also discussed in detail on (pps 102-108 in the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan). Most of their data and claims if not all, are incorrect. We’ve discussed this in the past here. With respect to Democrat claims to number of illegal aliens, (p104 is incorrect), see our Report, point [3].
39. Open U.S. Borders for ‘Refugees.’
“Admitting refugees helps preserve the stability of America’s partners abroad…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p39).
The U.S. government’s #1 job is to provide safety/ security for its citizens. America’s Constitutional responsibility does not include ‘preserving stability of foreign countries,’ let alone permitting anyone in the world to freely just enter the U.S.
There are reasons why countries have borders.
40. FREE Healthcare for Illegal Aliens.
Biden promised healthcare coverage for those in the U.S. illegally. This does not mean they pay for it.
During a November 2019 Democrat debate, every single Democrat raised their hands when asked if they would provide healthcare for illegal aliens.
The Biden plan has committed to this effort.
“Democrats will work to expand access to health care for people living and working across the United States by extending Affordable Care Act coverage to Dreamers…lift the five-year waiting period for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (for lawfully present)…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p39).
Granting amnesty, will make them “lawfully present.” So free healthcare for illegal aliens.
Medicaid is free health insurance to those with low income. The Children’s Health Insurance Program also known as “CHIP” is free health insurance to those under 18 whose families have low income.
Medicaid currently costs U.S. taxpayers $597.4 Billion (2018) (state and federal funding). This cost works out to be about $8,073 per person, per year.
Bloomberg News cited a 2018 CBO report suggesting that healthcare costs would double over the next decade; and 40% of that was related to Medicaid and CHIP (existing free child healthcare program). The “free healthcare” (Medicaid and CHIP), costs U.S. working taxpayers about $685 Billion a year.
Adding upwards of 22 million (illegal aliens) to this programs would undoubtedly be extremely more costly for U.S. taxpayers.
If currently, Medicaid alone costs $8,073 per person, per year, multiple by say roughly 22 million (illegal aliens), that’s another $177.606 Billion per year in costs to U.S. taxpayers.
No one is preventing illegal aliens from buying anything, let alone buying their own health insurance as most Americans already do. It is not America’s responsibility to provide for the healthcare for citizens of another country.
With Biden’s open border policy, all foreign citizens could get (federally subsidized) or free healthcare. There is no limit on these costs.
41. Change Immigration Courts. (p40).
Biden seeks to change (stack) the immigration courts with judges who are open border/ amnesty friendly. The job of a judge is to uphold the law, not uphold political will. To fix that old ‘uphold the law nonsense,’ Biden seeks to change the immigration courts.
42. Unionize Immigration Judges.
“Protect immigration judges’ rights to unionize…” (p105).
Judges are not supposed to be driven by policy, politics, or conflicts of interest. This unionization effort does all three.
43. No U.S. Border Enforcement. (p40)
Change “Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel abide by our values.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p40).
That’s far-left values – open borders, no deportations, free everything. Bring the whole world in and give them the right to vote too.
The radical left under Biden have repeatedly stated intent to cut or “abolish” ICE and CPB. If one has no control or enforcement of their country’s borders, they no longer have a country.
44. Instant Visas.
“We also support awarding visas for permanent, employment-based immigration in a way that is responsive to labor market needs.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p41).
This will hurt low income, low-skilled, and uneducated workers whose jobs will be at risk by the massive inflow of new migrants seeking jobs which they will take for low wages. They also compete for jobs with existing U.S. citizens, lawful permanent resident aliens, and the 22 million (illegal aliens) who are already in the USA.
Keep in mind:
NOTE: Amnesty for illegal aliens = Citizenship = Right to vote in elections.
45. Non-Elected “Civil-Rights” Groups to Advise U.S. Immigration Policy.
“Establish and maintain an active dialogue with civil society leaders in the United States and in source countries on addressing the root causes of migration”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p109).
We can answer and thus solve this question without having to change U.S. immigration policy.
The reason why people come to the U.S. is primary out of economic means. Most of that money comes from drugs and sex trafficking. Some come fleeing corrupt and repressive foreign governments (or New York, Los Angeles and Chicago). A small number come for religious freedom or to escape violence from the drug cartels who run unimpeded in many of these countries.
U.S. immigration policy does not need political activists running U.S. policy. Then again, Biden has political activists running immigration and all his other policies already (stated here).
Biden also promised to end funding for the U.S. border wall; give billions of U.S. tax dollars to (the corrupt) Latin and South American governments (additional report on foreign corruption)(Skinny version).
In 2017, the former president of Brazil was sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption. One of very few in government who ever get punished for breaking the law.
Now that everyone in or coming to U.S. is a legal citizen under Biden, let’s see how Biden plans to handle crime.
[8] Criminal Justice Reform.
The Biden team has an uncanny view of criminal justice.
“Our criminal justice system is failing to keep communities safe.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p56).
Actually it’s law-enforcement that works to keep communities safe. If one seeks to “Defund Police,” then your community will be less safe.
The next step to keep communities safe are prosecutors. If one has pro-criminal prosecutors who don’t prosecute crimes, your community is less safe.
If you have local mayors, and state governors who release violent felons back on the streets, your community is less safe.
If you live in a community where there is “no bail,” those arrested for crimes will be back on the street in a few hours. Thus, your community will be less safe.
If you don’t build enough prisons to house violent criminals, your community will be less safe.
Kamala Harris said she would transform law-enforcement as VP.
Criminal justice Reform also means election ‘reform’ and Supreme Court ‘reform.’
46. Eliminating Electoral College & Stacking the Supreme Court.
(Carefully worded):
“Our elections should amplify the voices and concerns of the people, not the powerful, but Republicans and their appointees on the Supreme Court have corrupted our campaign finance system to its roots.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p18).
Democrats carefully worded this so not to freak out America.
46 (a). Electoral College Ban.
What they mean by “Our elections should amplify the voices and concerns of the people” (p18) is to banish the Electoral College.
This would give just a few states the power to decide national elections. All other states would become victims, and lose representative power in Congress. Their Congressional votes will no longer matter as population in concentrated states will decide elections, and thus policy.
As a defense to loss of voting power, we could see domestic trade wars, and massive shortages of food, goods and services available in some states but not in other states.
About 80% of all toilet-paper in the USA is made in Ohio, Texas, and Georgia. So good luck California, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Illinois, if you’re ever going to see that again. They’ll have to buy it from China or Mexico if they are willing to pay a hefty premium.
One has to look not only the proposed policies, but the risk of that policy carried out over time. Not 20 years, but 1-5 years, and you’ll start to see economic behavioral shifts in society.
These Biden Democrats don’t look at the impact of any of their policies. None are stated in their plan document.
46 (b). Stacking the Supreme Court.
Next, Biden and Dems have threatened to stack the Supreme Court. Democrats are outraged at losing the 2016 election and have become so radical to put their radical plans in writing.
Kamala Harris spearheaded false accusations during the Kavanaugh hearings. Now Democrats seek to control the High Court.
The whole purpose of this is to forever have a one-party rule in America. That is why we call these people Social-Marxists. Their policies reflect those of one centralized government (Totalitarianism) in control of just about everything of significant value and whom will determine who is deserving to have a piece of the pie or not (Communism).
In other words, a few states will be able to dictate policy to all the other states. Note that the key word here is “dictate.”
The Biden-Sanders plan does not discuss turning Washington DC and U.S. territories into states, but Democrats want to do that to gain permanent control of the U.S. Senate too – again to maintain a one-party forever rule – Totalitarianism.
In June 2020, House Democrats passed to make DC a state. The Bill died in the Senate as Democrats currently don’t have Control of that government branch or the Executive Branch (President). There are Constitutional issues here too, but that’s for another report.

This is why Democrats want to ban guns. They don’t want any civilian resistance stopping them. Like all Communist counties, they also want to ban speech they don’t agree with.
In May 2020, Biden’s VP running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) introduced a bill that attacks freedom of speech. The Bill was supported by 25 Senate Democrats. If you put these people in power, your rights will being to diminish.
They of course seek to control the police which is out next Biden policy topic.

If you are going to control a society, you must have control over the police.
47. Nationalize Policing Policies.
Democrats seek ‘limitations of police on a national level’ (p56-57).
Currently, local municipalities make police policies; and is generally protected by the 10th Amendment. Democrats would rather do away with the Constitution except for criminal defense rights.
“Federal funding to create a civilian corps of unarmed first responders such as social workers, EMTs, and trained mental health professionals…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p57).
You’ll see more harmed and killed unarmed persons responding to “order maintenance violations, mental health emergencies, and low-level conflicts” (p57).
First off all, order maintenance violations are restraining orders, usually in domestic violence situations. Everyone in law-enforcement knows these are the most dangerous calls police respond to other than traffic stops.
“Mental health emergencies.” Oftentimes these are unpredictable individuals who do not have the ability to be rational or be reasoned with.
According to the FBI, 25% (1 in 4) of our active shooters, school shooters, have been tied to mental illness. So statistically, there is a 1:4 chance you may be killed. Good luck with that unarmed social workers.
48. Implement Discrimination Practices When Hiring Law-Enforcement.
“Prioritize the recruitment, hiring, and retention of candidates that are traditionally underrepresented in law enforcement.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p57).
We argue, this is part of the nationalization of police process. The Biden team seeks to federally mandate the hiring, and oversight of police that will follow their political views (and commands). Look:
49. Nationalize Police Over-site.
“Create a national police systems review commission to analyze policing data, develop best practices, and investigate critical incidents from a systems failure perspective…Develop a national database that would cover all police agencies in the United States and its territories.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p57).
This would give further power to federal bureaucrats to effectively nationalize police training, policing, collect personal data, policies and discipline.
“…require data collection…on all core police activities, including police shootings and deaths in custody, use of force, and stops, searches, and arrests.
Data should be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and other demographic characteristics and made publicly available.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p58).
In other words, discriminate, and federally control all activities, punishment, prosecution (persecution) of police officers?
50. BLOCK Law-enforcement’s Ability to Acquire Military Surplus, Decommissioned vehicle & Weapons (p56).
As long as municipal and state law-enforcement remains independent from federal control, Democrats would rather make it more difficult for officers to defend themselves from violent criminals – including rioters.
51. END “287(g).”
Repeal existing federal law that permits federal law-enforcement to deputize municipal law-enforcement in assistance including with immigration. That law was passed under the Bill Clinton Presidency.
Again, anything Democrats can do to reduce the power and authority of law-enforcement not under their control, is exactly what they will try and do.
52. Set Up a Justice Dept. Outside the Justice Department?
“Create a new task force, placed outside of the U.S. Department of Justice, to make recommendations for tackling discrimination and other problems in our justice system that result from arrest and charging decisions.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p58).
This is part of Marxist behavior: Create a new system of justice that is separate from the traditional justice system that has been in place for over 244 years. The existing system will need to be corrupted so that the new corrupted system also works. That is their next point.
53. Corrupt the Justice System?
Insure (only Left-radicals) appoint prosecutors who are committed to reform whatever that means – Criminals go free, police go to jail?
“Appoint people committed to criminal justice reform to key prosecutorial positions, including AG, DAG, and U.S. Attorneys.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p58).
So every city will be like Chicago, Portland and Seattle?
54. END CASH BAIL. (p29). Every city will be like Portland, OR.
Ending cash bail allows arrested criminals to be processed and released back on the streets to re-offend the public usually in a few hours of the last crime committed.
Biden-Sanders and others support ending cash bail in America. The criminal justice ‘reform‘ (as with this entire Biden platform) is based on admitted Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) policies.
Biden once called Bernie Sanders a “Socialist.” Biden has tried to convince people that Biden is a “moderate.”
The truth is:
(1) These polices are part of the Biden-Sanders plan for America.
(2) There is nothing “moderate” about any of these policies.
In fact, VP candidate Kamala Harris promoted a no bail fund organization that helped get a child rapist out of jail.
Harris also said she believed Biden’s sexual assault accuser; that is until she was picked for VP.
55. End Child Support?
Women better be on reliable birth-control under Biden, because guys will be able to fertilize the whole country with no obligations to the woman or offspring.
‘End penalties for inability to pay fines, fees, (or) child support’
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p58).
With no more child support, you’ll be free to get high all the time.
Biden seeks to:
‘Legalize marijuana across the USA and expunge all existing marijuana cases which are drug trafficking for any use or possession.’
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p59).
No one is in jail for smoking a joint anywhere in the US. You’re only going to see major traffickers in prions for marijuana trafficking. Biden also seeks to reduce penalties for drug abusers. No jail time either (p59).
57. Abolish the Death Penalty.
So, anyone is free to kill, permanently injure, or violently rape anyone, and there is no chance they will be ever be sentenced to death.
‘Change the federal law to allow judges to decide any sentencing… and make this law retroactive’
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p59).
All those on death row for their brutal violent crimes, would be in prison for life (doubt it), or sentenced commuted under Biden.
58. Crack/ Cocaine.
“End the federal crack and powder cocaine disparity in sentences, and make the change retroactive.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p59).
Did you ever get the idea that these people are pro-criminal and anti-police?
Biden also seek to have a more liberal early release program and re-evaluate existing sentences (p60).
59. END Privately-ran Prisons & Immigration Centers.
After we let everyone out of prions, we’re going to close the prisons?
“Incentivize jail and prison closures as populations decline.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p60).
Biden-Sanders et al make a claim that there is “forced labor” in prison (p60). There is no forced labor. Prison jobs are optional and granted based on good behavior and paid slightly with rules attached to that. Many want to do something other than work out, sit around, do nothing waiting to get ****** by another inmate.
60. FREE HOUSING After Get Out of Prison (p61).
So homeless people and those who want free housing: Go commit a crime, get out with no bail, plead guilty or not, doesn’t matter you won’t be prosecuted. When you’re free (after 2-4 hours), get free housing? The Biden-sanders plan.
61. Juvi Justice Reform.
“Decriminalize disciplinary offenses like truancy and alcohol use.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p61).
Late for school? Don’t want to go? Rather get drunk? Biden says yes, no problem.
62. Juvi Crimes – No jail? (p61).
Maybe after school basketball or soccer would be your punishment for knocking off that liquor store?
63. Under Biden, You’re Free to Commit Crimes Until (at least) 18?
“…automatic expungement and sealing of juvenile records.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p61).
And no one will ever you know you hired a psychopathic murderer.
64. ‘Raise the Age’ – Over 18? Crime Still Might Be OK.
“…raise the minimum age at which an individual may be tried in adult court.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p62).
So basically, under Biden, you can commit violent crimes up until what, age 25 or 30?
Now that everyone is free from prison, there really is no point to try and educate them when their drug running and sex trafficking is just more profitable; especially since they won’t be going to jail anymore (or at least not prosecuted)?
[9] Education (Re-Education).
According to the Biden-sanders plan for America, all existing U.S. education is based on racism? So to change this, everything will be focused though the following filters:
“…building a more just, equitable, civically engaged, and socially conscientious nation” aka Cultural-Marxism.
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p78-79)
This includes:
66. “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs“ (p80) – aka formal indoctrination into Cultural-Marxism, with “teacher diversity” (p82). Someone to teach the Cultural-Marxism.
67. Cancel $50,000 Debt for Teachers.
“Forgive up to $50,000 in student loan debt for educators.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p81).
Sounds good, but who is going to pay off the up to $50,000 loan per teacher?
68. Ban For-profit Charter Schools (p82).
This of course competes with teacher unions who contribute primarily to Democrats, and we can’t have that. Charter schools provide an education that is less likely to include Marxist indoctrination, where students actually might learn something useful. So just make it so that charter schools can’t make any money, and thus naturally go out of business. Education solved?
69. End The School Voucher Programs (p83).
“Oppose any and all voucher and Neo-voucher programs such as Education Savings Accounts and Tax-credit Scholarship programs“
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p83).
Who needs savings accounts or tax-credit scholarship programs that help pay for school? Under Biden, you’re not allowed to save money to go to school and get a tax deduction! The government will do this, and decide whether or not you are qualified to get into any school based on you race and zip code.
70. No More testing in School!
Everyone passes!
“Eliminate high-stakes standardized test…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p83).
Democrats hate tests like calculating math on how much all this is going to cost if Biden-Harris or any future Democrat becomes president.
Too many U.S. schools especially in Democrat-controlled cities and states have low testing scores, and high drop-out rates. School dropout rates are expected to increase. (Chart: Drop out rates by race).
So get rid of the tests, we can’t bear to see the data anymore!
Instead of testing… (Quick take a hit off your #BidenBong before reading the next sentence).
71. Holistic Learning?
Biden education alternative seeks to:
“Provide for holistic, deeper learning encompassing social, emotional and academic learning and are responsive to cultural and linguistic diversity.” aka Cultural-Marxism.
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p83).
All of this is designed to toy with the emotions of mostly young uneducated people; to get them caught up in Cultural Marxism instead of learning the basics ion school.
72. “World-Class Education in Every Zip Code.”
Biden pushes for free education (guaranteed), and believes the current system is racist and favors only the wealthy? (pps 22, 23).
73. Free early childhood education age 3 and 4 (p23).
Because it’s not too early to start brainwashing new generations.
Education is so important to Democrats that they’ll (once again):
74. “…ban for-profit private charter (schools)...from receiving federal funding.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p24, p82).
Free public colleges and universities for anyone earning under $125,000 a year (pps 25, 84-85). Free junior college to everyone including Dreamers (illegal aliens) (p85).
76. Existing College Loans Quashed?
Got student loan debt? No problem. $10,000 debt vanish, just like that. No interest on borrowed money, and after 20 years, any college debt just will go away (on to the federal national debt’s balance sheet) (p25).
Do you know why colleges are expensive? Because government guarantees the loans. Want colleges even more expensive? Make the loans forgivable.
77. Cancel Student Loans.
“Forgive all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from two-and four-year public colleges and universities for debt-holders earning up to $125,000…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (pps 85-86).
If you went to one of those schools the Biden-Harris government hates – you know Christian or Catholic schools; schools that teach about the value of the U.S. Constitution; or who don’t teach Cultural-Marxism:
“Borrowers who went to predatory schools: a determination of misrepresentation or fraud made by the Department, State Attorneys General or the courts will trigger automatic loan cancellation.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p85).
If none of this works, then do what they did in the 1960’s and 70’s: Go to medical school, law school, graduate, then declare bankruptcy.
“Allow student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy.”
“Ensure loan cancellation will not force borrowers to incur any additional tax liability.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p86).
The last thing you need is to go to school, get your education, graduate, discharge the student loan debt, and then have to pay taxes. I mean, Come’on man!

78. Federal (Marxists) Judges in School?
The Biden Team wants judges (Big Brother court) to be at each and every school campus.
“Appoint federal judges who will enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act in school systems.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p87).
Now it was Democrats who fought against all of the civil rights act in history (our report on this upcoming). Laws that are already on the books do not need to be met with new specially appointed judges to re-engineer schools on the local level.
79. Extra Brainwashing in School?
“Consider recent National Academy of Sciences report recommendations for metrics of equity of opportunities / inputs.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p87).
Aka, you will all be indoctrinated into Climate Change AND Critical Race Theory.
80. Everyone in Education Will Be Unionized.
“Ensure that educators (early childhood, k-12 and higher education, including contingent faculty) have the right to organize and collectively bargain (on the federal level).”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p87).
If you have taken note throughout this report, the Biden-Sanders plan seeks to make all jobs in America as unionized jobs. In a totalitarian state, the party in control needs only to control union leaders who will in-turn control the workers (aka Socialism/ Communism).
81. Schools Out of Money? No problem.
States who have mismanaged their money from taxpayers will simple get more money printed from the federal government.
“States are facing huge revenue shortfalls, to ensure our schools are fully funded, we need to create new models that go beyond the CARES Act.”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p87).
With all of this under tight control from healthcare, education, jobs; how you are allowed to live, energy, to controlling the police and the courts; there is one last thing that needs attention. Control the civilian population.
[10] Gun Control (Citizen Control).
Democrats have sought for a total gun ban in the USA since 1961. They tried to do this in the 2016 election too. Hillary Clinton said that the Supreme Court was wrong on the Second Amendment.

“The Task Force believes gun violence in this nation is a public health crisis and must be treated as such…”
— Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Plan (p100).
The implication here, based on Biden’s own and other radical Democrat statements is to begin with gun bans and then confiscation.
Kamala Harris who could technically take over Biden’s job if elected, and if Biden deemed incapacitated. Harris already said she was in-charge of Biden.
Harris supports mandatory buyback of AR-15 style firearms (and confiscation).
This is exactly like what King George III attempted to do in America which led to the American Revolution.

All tyrants throughout history including Julius Caesar, King George III, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Mao Zedong commanded to keep their people in constant fear of their government. After modern weapons became more available, these tyrants sought to disarm the public in order for them to maintain control over the population.

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
— Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist revolutionary and Founding father of the People’s Republic of China said Nov. 6, 1938.
This is a dangerous idea.
As the “Father of the United States Bill of Rights” said:
“To Disarm the People (is) the Best and Most Effectual Way to Enslave Them…”
— George Mason IV (1725-1792) Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5: Originally Quoted from George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380).
Just the talk of gun bans and confiscation led to all-time record sales of guns and ammo in the USA.
People are arming themselves at record levels suggests to us that there is public fear. That fear is that they might be confronted by government or street radicals (Antifa-BLM), who seek violent conflict with the law-abiding citizens.
- Popular Reads: History: How The USA Became A Gun Culture.
There isn’t must talk about gun control measures in the Plan, so here is the public discussion.
VP candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA):
Trump didn't pull the trigger at El Paso last weekend, but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. #GunSenseForum pic.twitter.com/ZvgFPejpYZ
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 10, 2019
Kamala Harris said 18-24 years are stupid. Does that mean she thinks those voting for her and Biden must be dumb too? (video).
Next, Joe Biden said, “Weapons of war have no place in our communities.”

The truth is military weapons are NOT sold to the general public.
Yet, Biden has selected a radical anti-Second Amendment nut, Beto O’Rourke to handle gun control if Biden were to be elected.
During the Houston Democratic presidential debate in September 2019, Beto O’Rourke said “Hell, yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47” (video).
Biden verbally insulted a Michigan union worker over Biden’s intent to rein in new gun control laws. Biden claims he supports the Second Amendment. But the actions of all the people around him, who are running his campaign, who Biden agreed to this platform, his tweets, video-taped statements, all tell another story. Biden-Harris seek to implement these radical policies.
Democrats have become so radical, one in particular wants to ban the free speech because they just don’t agree with them.

Democrats don’t believe in any speech that contradicts theirs. They will do whatever to strip away your legal rights as the NY AG is (illegally) trying to do.
The NY AG made claims. But in the end, as long as we have a Supreme Court that is not stacked with radical ideologies and who will follow the Constitution – as it was written, the NY AG’s case will go nowhere.
Radical gun-ban/ confiscation groups are so confident about Biden-Harris’ anti-gun polices, they made a video endorsement:

Safety is not the Democrat goal. To them, gun safety means, gun bans and confiscation thereof.
2020-08-20 video capture via Everytown on Twitter.
Biden Controversy.
The only way for Joe Biden to gain support was to agree to a platform from the most radical part of the Democratic Party. This group has taken over the direction of the party and are pushing for the most radical changes for America: From a free, independent country; to a non-country with open borders, endless money printing, free everything for anyone and everything.
The Biden-sanders plan seeks to control every aspect of the U.S. economy, including the courts. Their ground game includes the violent Antifa and BLM.
Biden’s own campaign staffer called police “worse than ‘pigs,’ called for defunding police.” Biden promised to make it more difficult for police to do their job. Biden has received zero endorsements from police departments nationwide.
Biden says he is not a racist, but Biden supported Black segregation in schools in 1975 (transcript). Biden also said ‘Black People Are Not As Diverse As Hispanics.’ And just recently, Biden said:
“We Were Able To Stay Home During COVID Because of Some Black Woman Stocking Grocery Shelves.”
— Joe Biden (D) (Sources: The Western Journal/ Washington Examiner Video Credit: NBC News/ Wall Street Journal.
There are many examples of Biden’s racist remarks, just referencing a few here.
This is Biden’s third attempt to run for president. Biden ran in 1988 and in 2008 competing against Barack Obama.
Many people question Biden’s mental capacity. Like Biden’s mental capacity, his campaign has been mostly absent. When in public, Biden’s supports are also – largely absent. Media (polls) say Biden is winning? Biden has been mostly hiding from the public in his basement hoping that will make him win in 2020?
Biden has no signature legislation, no major policy achieved in government over the 45+ years he has sat in federal office. But NOW, Biden has a plan for America?
And now you have all seen it.
Biden has come out from his basement as of late, but still does not answer any non-scripted questions – unless he has an ear piece, or a teleprompter, telling Biden what to say – or think?
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