September 21, 2020

written by Net Advisor™
LOS ANGELES, California. The U.S. economy was booming before Coronavirus. Low income, middle class and minorities all saw incomes rising and together shared all-time record low unemployment. U.S. growth was even outpacing all major industrialized nations.
’15 Days to Slow the Spread.’
Back in March, the federal government suggested (not ordered) guidelines from healthcare professionals at the CDC, that the U.S. should implement a policy of “15 days to slow the spread” of China-Coronavirus in America.
The guidelines included to stay home and contact their medical provider if ill; That older persons should consider staying at home and away from others. Those with existing underline health risks can be more at risk of contracting Coronavirus.
The 15 days to slow the spread then became 30 days. To help business and citizens out during this time, the government provided:
- March 6, 2020: “$8.3 billion in emergency funding for federal agencies to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.”
- March 18, 2020: About $100 Billion for “Paid sick leave, tax credits, and free COVID-19 testing; expanding food assistance and unemployment benefits; and increasing Medicaid funding.”
- March 27, 2020: $1,200 in stimulus checks per person plus $500 per child, 13 weeks paid unemployment, and more covering over $2 Trillion in stimulus relief.
- None of the stimulus money would go to any President Trump-owned businesses such as hotels, resorts, which means their employees too.
Many States Begin to Reopen For Business – Economy Booms Again.
By mid to late May, many states began reopening their economies and people began going back to work.
The U.S. recovered or recreated +2.5 Million jobs (May 2020); +4.8 Million jobs (June 2020); +1.8 Million jobs (July 2020); and +1.4 Million jobs (August 2020). September’s jobs number will be out in early October.
So far 10.5 Million jobs have been recovered or created; that’s about half of the Coronavirus-related job losses recovered.
New Housing Starts surged over 22% in July. By late August, the U.S. stock market began soaring to record highs again as the economy was on a sharp bounce toward recovery.
As we approach the 2020 elections, certain mayors and governors decided the U.S. economy just could not improve as it would likely help President Trump’s re-election.
‘Two More Years to Slow the Spread.’
Some claimed that “normalcy” won’t be back until at least 2022.
Certain state governors decided that the economy just can’t recover under Trump. These political “leaders” had to keep their citizens repressed as possible, in order for Democrats to try and win in 2020?
As of Sept 18, 2020, nine (9) states are now “pausing” their re-openings; Nine (9) other states are “reversing” some of their re-opening ideas; and eight (8) states are working toward reopening.
The data above isn’t entirely accurate. First, Texas reverted to temporarily closing bars only, not the entire state.
As of the date of this report, large scale sporting events, and major theme parks are still closed by the state of California including Disneyland, (current status) Knots Berry Farm (current status), Magic Mountain, (current status), water-parks, etc. In other states, large-scale sporting events are also closed or up to 20% of capacity.
Beginning in mid-July, Florida’s Disney World was at 17% of capacity. Shanghai Disney (China) reopened in May with limitations.
In Florida, Universal Studios Orlando theme park is open with restrictions. In California, Universal Studios Hollywood theme park is closed. The difference is, one state has a plan with a business-minded governor, balancing public health and safety with jobs; and the other doesn’t.
Worse, in late July in Northern California, the state forced the closure of WaterWorks Park in Redding due to Coronavirus. The state has pulled the park’s license. There is no evidence that anyone ever got Coronavirus from this or any other water-park. A Water Works park is open in Tampa, FL, as Shipwreck Island Water-Park in Panama-City, FL. (see more water-parks).
Apparently, the China-Coronavirus was so strategically developed, it only affects theme-parks and water-parks in Democrat-ran states?
We mention these big theme parks because together, they employ tens-of-thousands of people, and brought in over $20 Billion just in 2019. This doesn’t include the lost jobs and revenues from sporting events such as college football, to all professional sports. This is lost tax revenue for states who desperately need cash to fund all their social programs.
Democrat-ran Cities Primarily Behind Job-Killing Shutdowns.
We looked at the 15 cities (graphic, page top) and found a commonality.
Thirteen (13) cities are ran by Democrats, one (1), Riverside, CA Mayor an “Independent” as of 2012, and one (1) Miami, FL Mayor a Republican as of 2017.

The Boston Mayor is technically supposed to be a “nonpartisan” office, however as of the date of this report, the Boston Mayor is registered Democrat. The Boston and Philadelphia mayors (spot checked) each receive about $200,000 a year in salary plus benefits. They get this money whether their citizens are forced out from work or not.
The study by Yelp Economic Average found that about 60% of their (mostly) small business that were closed during the shutdowns, will not reopen. Some 30,374 shopping and retail stores also permanently closed.
We considered that part of this data is largely due to the city/ state lock-downs. The loss of small businesses may also be due to:
(1) All the rioting and looting by Left Anti-American political-faction groups;
(2) 100,000+ criminals released by Democrat leaders back on the streets to re-offend citizens and businesses;
(3) Lack of Congressional Democrat support for small business and American families. (See Reports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.)
California Schools Closed until AFTER 2020 Elections?
Some parents with limited means are forced to either work, or take care of their young child or children since California is keeping their schools closed too.
If we take direction from the Los Angeles County, CA Health Director, this tells the whole story:
“We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving either to Tier 2 [of California’s reopening plan] or to reopening K-12 schools at least…until after the election, after, you know, in early November.
If we just look at the timing of everything, it seems to us the most realistic approach to this would be to think that we’re gonna be where we are now…until…we are done with the elections.”
— Barbara Ferrer, L.A. County Department of Public Health (DPH) (Democrat) (PDF) (original source, audio)
So now we have a pretty good idea why everything is still shutdown. It has NOTHING to do with public health, and everything to do with politics as we predicted last March.
For those who think this is just Los Angeles or just California, think again:
Congressional Democrats have BLOCKED all Republican attempts for further aid for business and Americans families until after the 2020 election.
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