July 3, 2020

Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/
written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. There are reports of an increase in Coronavirus cases in the U.S. It has been assumed that this may be due in part of business reopening.
Many do not assume that hundreds-of-thousands of protestors marching, looting, rioting, committing arson, in all in close proximity; shouting, spiting, and screaming with no face coverings have nothing to do with the increase in CV19 cases?
Many also do not take into account that the U.S. has the second most CV19 testing in the world. China is ranked number one in testing, but this assumes China’s self-reported data is accurate.
Let’s take a look at the actual data to date:
Global Cases & Recovered.
- Number of Global CV19 cases: 11,101,292.
- Number of Global CV19 cases RECOVERED: 6,217,034.
Chart below: Coronavirus Global Data – Active and Closed Cases.

Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/
- World-wide, 92% of people with Coronavirus have already recovered / discharged.
- Global deaths is about 8% of the infected or 526,558 currently. Most counties don’t have the same level of health care as does the USA. Of the 526,558 global deaths, the majority who died were over age 85.
Over-Reported “Excess” Coronavirus Deaths in the USA.
USA deaths allegedly from Coronavirus is currently 131,823 people. This represents about 0.0004% of the U.S. population.
We say ‘allegedly’ here because if someone has another illness such as cancer, or other compromising immunize system issue, AND then they contract Coronavirus, and die: Their death may have been counted as a Coronavirus death.
The CDC calls these improper death reporting as “excess deaths.”

Thus, the number of people who actual died from Coronavirus who had no prior medical issues is likely a lot smaller than what is being reported.
The overall risk to the U.S. population as to deaths is extremely low; yet some government leaders, and many in the media feel we need to shutdown everything again and start a new pandemic panic?
Notice we did not hear political leaders or most media saying that protestors should stay home. In other words, some protests are fine, but going to the gym for good health, lying out on the beach, or running your business is illegal?
Chart below. Top 10 Countries for Most Reported Cases in the World.

Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Of the 11 million people world-wide who got Coronavirus, 56% (6.2 million) have already recovered, thus no longer have the virus (chart above).
There are currently 4.3 Million active CV19 cases in the world with a global population of 7.8 billion (2020) or 0.00005% of the world with Covid-19.
Compare this to the 650,000 people who die every year from the Flu Virus – (not one business closed); or the 21,917 people who die every day from tobacco-related illnesses – (tobacco sold within walking distance most everywhere).
Chart below: Coronavirus Top 10 Countries Critical Cases.
In the United States, the number of current critical Coronavirus cases is 15,907. Given U.S. population at about 329,228,000 (as of Jan. 28, 2020), it’s a number almost not worth reporting.
Sure, most people don’t want to die, and it’s sad for those and families who have gone though health issues. But thus far to date, there are far greater risks out there than Coronavirus.
Thus, those who get CV19, very few are in serious or critical condition. We suspect the majority, if not most of those in critical condition had underline serious health conditions to begin with. The data has previously shown the majority of serious health risks were in nursing homes.
Coronavirus Parties?
Currently, some younger people are contracting Coronavirus. Some have reportedly gone to parties and have been trying to get each other sick. This is not exactly the brightest group of people out there. Would you go to a party hoping to get sick?
Maybe the conversation went something like this:
‘Hey _____ (insert friend’s name), it’s Friday, and I haven’t had a serious illness in a long time. Let’s got to this Coronavirus party and try to get really sick.’
These people should be checked in a mental health facility. They are clearly incapable of taking care of themselves, or making sound-minded decisions.
In California, a whopping 246 people under the age of 64 recently contracted Coronavirus. This appears to be a concern for a state that has 39.5 Million people (as of July 1, 2019)?
USA – #1 Most Recovered CV19 Cases.
In the United States, of the 2.865 Million cases, 1.199 million (or 41.85%) have already recovered.
Chart below: Global Rank Most Recovered Coronavirus cases.

Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/
The United States ranks #1 in the most number of recovered Coronavirus cases in the world.
The increase in new Coronavirus cases in younger people came after massive protests and riots. Political protests (unrelated to CV19) still continue.
Is Politics Involved?
Some states are scaling back reopening. One can’t hide from viruses. A state can’t isolate everyone forever – effectively holding them in home prison for the tiny fraction of a percent chance they might get ill.
Those who stayed indoors in nursing homes wasn’t the answer to avoid getting ill. States and the public will have to deal with all kinds of viruses, colds, germs that exist all around us all the time.
Shutting down entire state or local economies again for the small relative number of new cases is financial suicide.
Most states have their 2021 budget planning coming up. Short on revenues due to closed or highly restricted business operations, states will have a difficult time with their budgets.
They can’t raise taxes because millions of people aren’t working, and business are at reduced capacity or closed. Raising taxes in an election year is also political suicide.
States began force closing or limiting business services again after a record increase in jobs.
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