June 23, 2020 5:44 AM EST. – Updated 5:55 AM EST.

Another side: Pro-American, Pro-Freedom, Free Speech.
Cartoon By Branco. © 2019 creators.com
written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. We don’t see ‘foreign government interference’ in the 2020 election at the ballot box, as it didn’t occur in 2016, 2018 or pick a year.
But we have seen Domestic interference by opposing political factions (House Dems Impeachment, Mueller, media, et al.
We also saw then top figures in the Obama-Biden Admin, where some were carried over to the Trump-Pense Admin. Some of these figures effectively worked to stage the environment of a coup to get rid of Trump.
Aside from political sabotage, treason, falsifying documents before a court in order to spy on a political opponent; voting in elections matter. In 2012 alone, a whopping 7.2 million people just in California didn’t bother to vote.
We see five areas of domestic concerns when it comes to voting.
1. Internet Voting.
Hopefully the U.S. will never have Internet based voting. There are too many risks to vote from your computer, or other electronic device, as discussed back in this 2014 Report.
2. Early Voting.
We see that early voting could be problematic. It can drag on for days, a week or a month. This gives a lot of opportunities for ballot box stuffing.
- Philadelphia Election Judge Admits to Stuffing Ballot Boxes for Democrats in Three Separate Elections
- In Wayne County, Michigan (2016), Democrats turned in more ballots than there were actual registered voters.
Can you imagine going to school and tell the professors that you will take the test when it’s more convenient for you?
Go tell your medical doctors, auto-repair, or your date, that you’ll come-by maybe next week, but would like to have the time open for a month just in case?
It’s already the law that an employer cannot prevent anyone from voting on Election Day. One doesn’t need days or a month to vote when they had over a year to think about it.
If one can find time to protest on a specific date, they can find time to vote on a specific date.
3. Walking Dead Voters?
Keeping deceased and inactive voters off Voter Rolls is an issue in most every state.
- Judicial Watch Sues Pennsylvania for 800,000 Inactive Voters on Voter Rolls
- California Begins Removing 5 Million Inactive Voters on Its Rolls
Inactive voters are those who have not voted in a long time, have died or moved.
One should know whether or they voted. If not sure, contact your county registrar to check. If one relocated, one can’t legally vote in their old district. One has to register in their new district where they currently reside.
4. Vote by Mail.
Vote by mail is mixed. If one requested an absentee ballot or permanent absentee ballot, that’s one thing. But for a state governor to automatically send mail-in ballots not requested, could lead to ballot box stuffing. This is where some voters could end up voting more than once.
There are also college students who may have registered to vote in their home state and have a ballot sent to their parent’s residence. They may also be registered to vote in their current state. It’s illegal. Voting registration is based on where one resides (technically, 6 months and a day of a year). Report to local FBI, DOJ’s Public Integrity Unit, or U.S. Attorney’s office.
5. Ballot Harvesting.
Ballot Harvesting is also a concern. Instead of one going to the polls to vote, or send in a ballot via U.S. Mail; someone or multiple people come to your door, and will talk to you about the election.
They will often try and figure out which way you’re leaning (politically). They might try and persuade, pressure, especially on-the-fence, and target elderly people to vote one way or another – generally the Ballot Harvester’s way.
If they have no ethics, which is what we expect, the Ballot Harvester takes the ballot (hopefully filled out, signed and sealed by the voter – not completed by the Harvester). The voter expects their ballot to be dropped off at the ballot box. This is very risky. One is trusting a total stranger.
One could also see politically driven neighbors perform the same. One should already have an idea of your neighbor’s views. If not, cast the vote yourself instead of handing them your ballot.
The unethical Ballot Harvester who had the discussion with you might have gathered some information about how you voted, or your thoughts on certain political subjects. Based on your own statements, the Ballot Harvester might decide to drop your ballot in the trash instead the ballot box.
This may occur if your views didn’t align with the Ballot Harvester’s views. The Harvester may also lie, in order to get you to disclose your political ideology.
The Harvester may be a paid political operative, trained to make behavioral assessments about the voter: Where they live, dress, what they see inside your residence from the door, car one drives, or other profiling. Based on the Harvester’s perceptions, your vote may go to the ballot box or the trash can.
The Ballot Harvester might say, I can fill out your ballot for you; or complete undecided areas on the voting card. Just tell me what I should check and I’ll fill it in? Yea right.
The unethical Harvester prays on especially the elderly, indigent, homeless, the less sophisticated, and those who are too trusting to seemingly friendly “convenient voting helpers.”
Ballot Harvesting Case in Point.
Orange County, California was historically a Republican strong-hold. As soon as Ballot Harvesting was made legal in California in 2018, Democrats managed to sweep all the political seats in Orange County, and most every seat in the state but only AFTER the election was well over.
“The new law allowed anyone, even a paid political campaign worker, to collect and return ballots — “harvesting” them, in political slang.”
— Source: San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 30, 2018
A reported 250,000 ballots suddenly landed on Election Day in the Southern California County located between Los Angeles and San Diego. These ‘harvested ballots’ accounted for about 8.3% of the entire population of the county, (about 3.19 Million in 2019).
The percentage of harvested ballots is actually greater, because the 8.3% includes everyone in the county, including minors and others (illegal aliens, those in prison) who can’t legally vote. In close elections, that’s enough to swing any outcome.
“We were only down 26 seats (nationally) the night of the election and three weeks later, we lost basically every California race,” outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., told the Washington Post.
“…when you have candidates that win the absentee ballot vote, win the day of the vote, and then lose three weeks later because of provisionals, that’s really bizarre.”
— Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). Source: Fox News, Dec. 4, 2018
So there are some concerns about real election interference for 2020. We have seen what has been done in the past and what will likely be attempted this year too.
The best way to vote is show up at the polls on Election Day and vote in person. That way you don’t have to wonder if your vote actually made it to the ballot box instead of the trash can.
Further Reading. History / Education:
Understanding the Differences Between a Democracy and a Republic
- Birthright Citizenship: An Analysis of the 14th Amendment
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