June 18, 2020, 2:15 PM EST

written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. There has been much discussion regarding ‘slavery’ in the United States, as if this is a national problem. We’ll it’s really a global problem.
But the problem has nothing to do with the perception of what we are being taught in schools, or in the media.
Today’s discussion is more about who in history was ever a ‘slave owner’ (even if it was technically lawful at the time – albeit wrong by our standards).
The reality is slavery was conducted world-wide dating back about 11,000 years ago; that’s about 9,000 years before the United States even existed. Yet, some have come up with wild, but false theories that the U.S. ‘created’ slavery?
Slavery was conducted for some 11,000 years on every continent, in every country.
It was not until President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) delivered his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation to declare slavery illegal; and that all salves are free people. After fighting pro-slavery Democrats in a brutal Civil War, the U.S. officially ended slavery 155 years ago.
China slavery however went on since the beginning of their country – before the Second Millennium (before Christ). Today in especially China, India, and Africa, slavery is still a problem.
But slavery really didn’t end – anywhere.
Am I a Salve?
If you are free to speak your mind, free to travel, free to the store, go outside, go to school, work at a legit job; free to leave or change jobs; make decisions for yourself; meet and interact freely with other people, you are NOT a slave.
If one is thinking slavery was limited to a particular class of people, they would be historically incorrect and incorrect to today’s modern slavery.
Modern Slavery.
The real problem of modern slavery, now called, Human Trafficking, and is not well discussed. There are reportedly some 25 million to 30 million people subject to human trafficking (salves) in the world today.

Trafficking in North & Central America Region.
Trafficking is a world-wide problem. As it relates to U.S. national security, most of the trafficking that comes to the U.S. are not people wanting a better job or life. Most of the trafficked people are brought to the U.S. for sexual exploitation.

The United Nations identified that in North America, 25% (twenty-five percent) or one-out-of-four sex-trafficked (salve) victims, were under-aged girls (UNODC, P73).
Human Trafficking (Slave) Flows to the U.S.

Traffickers bring their victims from all over the world. 76% of trafficking happens within North America (Canada, USA and Mexico). Up to 9% of traffickers bring their victims crossing U.S. borders from outside the North American region (UNODC 2016, P75).
The United Nations also identified about eight percent of total (slave) trafficking comes from cross-border flows from Mexico to the United States (UNODC 2016, P75).
“Victims from Central America and the Caribbean accounted for some 9 per cent of the detected trafficking flows in North America in 2016. Cross-border trafficking flows within North America comprise some 8 per cent of the total, mainly referring to the flow from Mexico to the United States.”
— Source: UNODC 2016, P76
The ACLU cited U.S. State Department finding that about 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked to the United States each year. The study noted that this does not include those trafficked (held as labor or sex slaves) within the United States.
The report also pointed out the average trafficking victim is a migrant woman, about age 20. A Harvard University Law School report found the average age of sex trafficking victim is 17-19 years old.
Trafficked victims are abused, beaten, raped, sexually abused, deprived food, shelter and sleep the ACLU report found.
“Trafficked victims are often beaten and brutalized, raped and sexually abused. Victims also frequently are deprived of adequate food, shelter and sleep…”
“Traffickers commonly subject their victims to psychological abuse through threats, deprivation and isolation. Traffickers may threaten to kill or harm victims or their family members if they do not do as they are told.”
— Source: ACLU Report on Human Trafficking: Enslavement of Immigrant Women in the United States
The U.S. gives millions of dollars in aid annually to Central American counties (CRS, p12), with the false hope that they could get control of human trafficking or other illegal migration to the U.S.
In reality, we suspect it is more likely that these corrupt Central American governments pocket most of the money and aid for themselves, and allocate some of foreign aid to keep their armies loyal to the corrupt government.
Cross Border U.S.-Mexico (Slave) Sex Trafficking.
A 2016 report said, “34% of cases it recorded of Latin American women trafficked into sex slavery in the United States since 2007 involved smuggling-related recruitment methods” (CRS, p2).
Under the Obama Administration, and still current today, the U.S. tends to show easier acceptance for illegal alien female adults with female children or unaccompanied children seek to gain entry into the U.S.
Traffickers also seem to be keenly aware of this U.S. open border policy. It makes human trafficking much easier for the Cartels when Congress and some in the media play on emotional strings of poor ‘women and children.’
In 2018 alone, the U.S. lost track of some 1,500 illegal alien minors. Another report says that number is closer to 6,000. The New York Times cited false information from HHS that “in all cases (‘hosts’) have been vetted for criminality and ability to provide for them.”
That is completely false. We have extensively covered the growing costs of U.S. welfare for illegal aliens and that includes alien children. These migrants did not come to the U.S. with their Visa® debit card, or a suitcase full of cash. It’s the U.S. taxpayer whom are doing much or most of the “providing.”
Many also falsely claim to place these children with ‘families’ already in the U.S.
What HHS or the NY Times does not seem to realize is traffickers use U.S. citizens who have clean backgrounds to further their trafficking efforts. HHS does not provide periodic follow-up checks on the millions of illegal immigrant children or their hosts.
I can tell you that I am very familiar, with prior (law-enforcement) agency experience of pre-screening for the criminal background check process. There are gaping holes in the system when it comes to vetting foreign nationals. I and others I worked with began to identify the strategies and tricks foreign nationals in the U.S. use to gain permanent resident or U.S. citizenship status.
If you are a non-U.S. citizen living in the USA, have not broken any other major (U.S.) laws (aside from coming to the U.S. illegally), there is no U.S. database to background check. The U.S. does not have access to every foreign citizen criminal or other records.
Recall that ALL of the 9-11 (2001) hijackers came to the U.S. illegally, except one got a student visa.
The ‘Boston Bombers‘ (terrorists) came to the U.S. as minor ‘children.’ One became a naturalized U.S. citizen over time; the other married an American woman who was a U.S. citizen.
This is not to say that all illegal aliens and minor children are would-be terrorists, but some have been, and it doesn’t take but one or a few to cause mass causalities. This is why any country can’t permit open borders. One doesn’t know who is coming in your home through the backdoor uninvited.
There is a lawful process to go thought to do this legally.
U.S. Being Played by Human Traffickers (‘Slave Owners’) Already in the U.S.
The U.S. is being played by modern slave owners (traffickers) sending women and children, or just unaccompanied children to the U.S. to gain entry. Once in the U.S., many migrants are not free. They have “sponsors” who many are not relatives (legally or illegally) living in the U.S. Many are the traffickers in the U.S. just waiting to put their victims to work.
From 2012-2018, the U.S. Office of Refugee Settlement (ORR) and the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) (also known as “co-traffickers”) referred 278,595 minor unaccompanied children who came to the U.S. border (illegally) and placed them with “sponsors.”
The reason why we called ORR and HHS as “co-traffickers” is because they are. We called out the Obama Administration in 2014 offering what we called ‘child trafficking jobs‘ on the U.S. government’s website. The Obama Admin was seeking ANYONE who could transport UAC’s (unaccompanied minor children “infant to 17 years old“) to various known and unknown locations throughout the U.S.
Of the minor children who managed to walk or bus to the U.S. all by themselves came from Guatemala (54%); El Salvador (12%); Honduras (26%); and other (8%) (2018 ‘Fact Sheet’).
From 2009 to 2013 alone, the Obama Admin budget spent $747.4 Billion on NASA including Transportation and Education; but spent $3.7 Trillion on welfare. [Our Report, Point 7]. So it’s not like Congresses doesn’t have the money for better border security.
Past U.S. Gov: Part of the Trafficking (Slave) Problem.
We reported on a 2013 child trafficking case, who the subject had a prior trafficking and separate food-stamp fraud convictions in the U.S. The trafficker, an adult female was also an illegal alien living in the U.S.
A Texas U.S. District Judge chastised the Obama-Biden Admin’s DHS for ignoring existing immigration law and for supporting human trafficking in the U.S.
“The DHS has simply chosen not to enforce the United States border security laws…These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable.”
“… these illegal activities help fund the illegal drug cartels which are a real danger for both citizens of this country and Mexico.”
“This Court has seen instances where aliens being smuggled were assaulted, raped, kidnapped/ and or killed.”
“…(there is) no excuse for Government to continue the criminal activity of the trafficking conspiracy.”
— Hon. Andrew S. Hansen, United States District Judge said in his Order.
Trump Admin and Trafficking.
In 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order “Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.”
One group naturally took issue with this.
They were all for stopping (slave) sex-trafficking, but not (slave) labor trafficking. Fortunately, these are not elected officials and don’t get to decide what kind of (slave) trafficking is OK, and what is not. We were under the impression that all forms of slavery are bad, right?
By 2018, President Trump signed into law a bill (H.R. 1865) that further aims to curb online sex (slave) trafficking.
Yet, some claim that tougher border security makes human trafficking a greater problem? Putting up walls, barriers, additional security, helps keep sex and slave labor traffickers out of your country. It makes the traffickers jobs more difficult.
The U.S. cannot be the policeman for the world, nor should it be. Every country needs to do their part to control their crime within their jurisdiction, this includes controlling their borders. Tighter border control makes it difficult for traffickers (slave owners) to bring in their victims and exploit them.
Today’s real slavery has nothing to about police, historic events, or statues. Nor does it have anything to do with someone who never thought they were ‘repressed’ until someone screamed at them on social media, TV “news”, etc., and told them they were?
Odds are, these same media outlets and the educational system will spend little to no time talking about fighting for today’s real victims of slavery.
Get Help.
Report a Tip. Request Services. 24hr – Free – Confidential:
- NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE 1-888-373-7888 (website) or Text: 233733.
- Sharedhope International, 1-866-437-5433 or call – 911 – anywhere in USA.
- Trafficking Resources: website.
- Save the Children.org.
- Covenant House – Shelter & Care For Homeless & Trafficked Youth. (International On Facebook).
Images/graphic credits where known and credited. Please advise for any uncredited images.
Key parts adapted from our March 4, 2019 report as part of our U.S. border security, and how efficient border security can help reduce slave labor, child and sex (slave) trafficking in the U.S.
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