June 5, 2020

written by Net Advisor™
CHICAGO, Illinois. The two recent studies claiming Hydroxychloroquine was harmful to Coronavirus patients were effectively deemed as fraud. The studies have been removed from medical journals.
We may have been one of the first, or among the first independent media to challenge the original study as we saw what appeared to be flaws with the study discussed.
The people involved with both studies were essentially the same key people. All they really did is try and make people believe that a 50+ year old FDA-approved drug, and one of the most prescribed drugs in the USA was suddenly, harmful – even fatal? That argument to date is still unfounded and is not based on any medical science.
The authors made unsubstantiated claims about their study that could not be independently verified. The authors of the study also refused to turn over their data to be independently reviewed by medical research experts.
“Three of the Lancet paper’s authors said they decided to retract the paper after Surgisphere refused to share the full data set as part of a review triggered by concerns raised by outside researchers.”
— Source: MS-NBC / Wall Street Journal (PDF highlighted)
In other words, it looks like fraud. What research(ers) withhold all their alleged scientific data from other scientists for review to see if the data is true and accurate?
We question whether the unfounded studies were politically motivated or just a poor rush to judgement. The unsubstantiated studies have since been pulled from medical journals.
“The Lancet first pulled a study published late last month that found antimalarials provided no benefit as a treatment for Covid-19 infections while increasing the risk of heart problems and death.”
“New England Journal of Medicine then retracted a separate article, published in early May, that examined the impact of cardiovascular and blood-pressure drugs in Covid-19 patients.”
— Source: MS-NBC / Wall Street Journal (PDF highlighted)
Many in the media and politically-driven circles have demonstrated disdain for anything that has even the opportunity to solve problems, such as finding potential medicines to address Coronavirus.
Some were quick to jump on the anti-solution bandwagon without doing any research, or perform any analysis of the research work others performed. We raised concerns last May in this report.
Don’t Question Science. Just Take Our Word For It?
The World Health Organization (WHO), France and the United Kingdom ceased clinical trials on Hydroxychloroquine after the now debunked studies were published. The WHO, France or the UK didn’t seem to bother to investigate the studies. They all just accepted them as fact.
Bloomberg news said the company that was involved in the two studies, Surgisphere, has just eleven employees, and operates out of a private home in Chicago.
The authors apologized for “any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused.”
The authors didn’t apologize until they got caught producing fake science.
We still don’t have proof whether the 50+ year old drug, Hydroxychloroquine or a combination with the 29-year-old antibiotic Zithromax have a benefit for Coronavirus patients or not.
Further and Comprehensive Studies Warranted.
Whether one or more drugs can help treat Coronavirus, needs to consider many factors in their studies.
This includes, but is not limited to including other health complications of patients where perhaps no current drugs may cure problems attached to Coronavirus, such as advanced-stage cancer, diabetes, and other underline chronic health issues.
Age is also a factor. A person who is say 80, may not have the same results verses say one who is 22. Thus the strength and over-all health of one’s immune system plays a vital role in recovery from any heath issue.
The number of people in controlled studies also plays a role. One really needs maybe a sample of hundreds to a thousand plus people, across all types of backgrounds, ages, and health conditions, if one is going to make a blanket claim. The study needs to be evaluated and challenged by others who are experts in the field. This means having their data available for review.
Anyone else performing the same study should be able to replicate the results of earlier studies using the same baseline factors.
Also, a patient who takes one drug at the onslaught of a condition say Coronavirus, may have results that differ than one who may have had the virus for some time. When performing medical research by experts, these are just a few factors that need to be considered. All drugs can have side-effects, and don’t affect all people the same.
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We do not make any claims or representations of the use or safety of any narcotic. We are just reporting factual data as it is known. Always consult with medical doctor(s) before taking any medication.
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