April 23, 2020, 9:04 PM EST.
Updates to April 24, 2020, 7:32 AM EST.
Update: September 15, 2020 9:24 PM EST. Chinese virologist says CV19 was made in Wuhan lab; her social media account reportedly suspended by Twitter.
Update: September 16, 2020 4:34 PM EST. Page Bottom.

written by Net Advisor™
WUHAN, China. We began collecting reports over the Coronavirus in early January 2020. Coming from a risk management view point we had some theories of possible origination. Doing research on a project this big is a bit beyond our scope and we figured eventually people would catch on.
However, we didn’t buy into the Wet Market Horse Bat theory of virus origination like some misreported. We have been leaning toward the source of the Coronavirus coming from China’s Wuhan lab, rated as a Bio Level 4 lab or “Bio-safety Level 4”.
The Wuhan lab also has twenty BSL-2, and two BSL-3 lab areas within the same building of the BSL-4. From a risk management view point, we would think it would be best if one was going to have a BSL-4 lab, then that is all that should be in the lab building. There should not be any separate areas of lower bio security (BSL-2, BSL-3) as the Wuhan lab has.
We’d argue that a facility like this could lead to accidental transmission of pathogens from a high security to a low security area. Maybe it’s all locked up and no one can move from one security area to another, but we doubt it. Technically the lab was accredited by international standards in 2016, but clearly there was a problem (Source: WHO, 2017, P19).
In 2017, there were concerns coming from outside China regarding pathogens escaping from the newer Wuhan BSL-4 lab. China of course, said just three years ago that the Wuhan lab would “benefit the world.”
By 2018, the government of China announced via their own state-controlled media that the Wuhan lab was open.
China further stated:
(the Wuhan lab would be used for) “diagnostic work and research on easily transmitted pathogens which can cause fatal disease (coronavirus?), including Ebola.”
— Source: XINHUAnet (PDF).
There Was a Training Program, Right?
Not to worry? There was a “user-training program” for the Wuhan lab published in May 2019, about a year after the lab opened, and about seven months before signs of a new Coronavirus first appeared.
There are many bio labs throughout the world that study viruses. Generally the intent for many of these labs are to figure out how to address, manage and defeat viruses and general diseases.
In countries that are not honest brokers (Iran, Syria, Yemen, N. Korea, Russia, and China) for example; there is a strong motivation not to use these labs as a medical benefit for society, but to also use them for possible bio-chemical weapons.
Now, our theory does not suggest at this point that China manufactured a virus for global harm. But we don’t rule out that China has or does study viruses for possible weaponized use. Syria, Iraq, Germany (WWII) Japan (1931-45) and many other counties have used biological weapons in the past.
China claims they do not manufacture or test bio-weapons. Perhaps China doesn’t consider a ‘virus’ as a biological weapon. Despite China’s denial, some have suggested that China has been focusing on biological weapons over the past 20 years. U.S. intelligence (DNI) said in 2019 that China has admitted to doing research on biological weapons for their defense.
“Beijing says China has researched only defensive biological technology necessary for China’s defense.”
— Source: U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency Report on China (P39).
Call it whatever you want; if one is testing biological weapons whether for offense or defense, they are still testing biological weapons.
The World Health Organization made a gross false report, denying that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) could not spread from person-to-person.
Many media now have leaned toward the notion that the Coronavirus ‘accidentally‘ came out of the Wuhan BSL-4 lab.
Our review of many reports cited herein, find that China, among others (WHO), was in denial of the facts. China mismanaged the safety of the Wuhan lab activities, and then covered-up the problems once discovered.

Mismanagement & Cover-up.
Patient Zero.
1. It was reported that “Patient Zero” (the first person to contract the Coronavirus) was a female virologist who “graduated” from the Wuhan institute.
The Wuhan lab stated that this virologist left the lab in 2015, was in good health and declined to state reasons for leaving citing (health?) privacy reasons. This needs to be investigated.
If we had to guess, we’d believe the report except that she didn’t leave in 2015, but rather maybe late December 2019. That would better fit the timeline of when the virus was first publicly discovered assuming she was Patient Zero. There is also no word on her location, assuming she is still alive.
The Warning.
2. A doctor in China attempted to warn about Coronavirus in late December 2019. He was reportedly ordered by China police (Public Security Bureau) to stop talking about Coronavirus, and was accused by China of making “false statements.”
According to the BBC, seven other people were also investigated by China for “spreading rumors.” The doctor in question ended up dead, reportedly from the virus he warned about. There are no reports we found that discussed what happened to the other seven people who were investigated by the China government.
Destroyed Lab Evidence.
3. China allegedly destroyed “proof” of the virus in December according to the Times.UK. China then continued to press on a global disinformation campaign, trying to deceive the world about Coronavirus. We saw this as a China-government cover-up.
Another China lab with ties to Wuhan attempted to quash rumors of a bio-leak in the Wuhan lab. Another report on about January 3, 2020, said the China government ordered the destruction of medical test samples taken from sick patients from Wuhan. The tests were referred to as an “unexplained viral pneumonia.”
Advised & Denied the Public About Coronavirus.
4. Reportedly, the head of the government of China, President XI Jinping was advised of a possible virus problem, but the Communist leader did not want the (virus) to interfere with the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations.
In addition to the 300 million people who travel around in and out of China for the annual Lunar New Year, a report also said that despite Coronavirus concerns, Wuhan officials gave the go-ahead to hold a pot luck dinner party for a whopping 40,000 people within the city. The Coronavirus had already been infecting the Wuhan community.
In Bed with the WHO?
5. The World Health Organization is currently chaired by Tedros Adhanom who previously held high office in Ethiopia including from 2012 to 2016 as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
During this time, Ethiopia had received $5.4 Billion in bilateral aid from China. This means China gave 100% aid to Ethiopia and Ethiopia gave China nothing in exchange.
In August 2019, China reportedly donated 9,000 metric tons of emergency food and aid to Ethiopia. In fact, China has been putting in infrastructure in Ethiopia since 1970.
So it would be very difficult for Tedros Adhanom to criticize China who is basically building and feeding his country. China isn’t doing this because they are some global good citizen. China will own and control much of the country and more importantly, the politicians. We know this because how the WHO chairman from Ethiopia responded to problems in China.
The World Health Organization naturally had to say on January 14, 2020, that the Coronavirus could not be transmitted from person-to-person. This as we all know was a false statement. Yet, someone had to protect China if Ethiopia wanted to keep getting all these benefits, right?
If the WHO statement was true, how would the Mayor of Wuhan know to lock-down his city if there was no person-to-person risk?
U.S. Democrat politicians, the United Nations all jumped in defending… China. Then China jumps in and defends the WHO. No one here is interested in fact finding or problem solving, they are all just political grandstanding protecting each other’s poor reputation.
Then comes this odd media story as “breaking news” as if it was fact.
Newsweek, claimed that a “Dr. Zhang Jixian, a respiratory specialist at the Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Wuhan” was “credited” (by whom?) of having early “battles” with the Coronavirus in December 2019. What kind of “battles?”
First of all, if one understands China-controlled media, she is going to say whatever the government of China wants her to say – period.
The facts are, Dr. Jixian did not work at the Wuhan lab, wasn’t Patient Zero, thus not likely to have any firsthand working knowledge of Coronavirus.
If Dr. Jixian had a ‘team dispatched’ to the Wuhan lab, how would they know to go there? Because that’s where the problem originated from? They weren’t dispatched to McDonald’s. They went to the Wuhan lab where the virus was. Admission, thank you. So now we know China admitted the virus came from the Wuhan lab.
So what caused the problem to alert someone? How did they know the virus existed? Was the virus developed/ manufactured at the Wuhan lab? Where and exactly how in the lab did the virus come to be? No one can provide or is willing to provide any of these facts at this time.
Did someone become infected and was honest about telling someone about it?
Dr. Jixian does not address who was Patient Zero. When they got to the lab, who did they talk to and what exactly did they do?
We know China ordered the destruction of lab samples. Were those the same lab samples that Dr. Jixian’s dispatched team later destroyed? Or who did destroy the lab test samples and why? Who gave the order to destroy?
Has the NIH or CDC been given access to any of this? No.
But we are to believe Newsweek‘s publishing of what the Communist government-controlled media’s spokesperson, Dr. Jixian said as fact? Sorry, we don’t buy the Newsweek, Communist-media fed story.
When performing an investigation; if you are coming up with more questions than answers, it means one does not have the problem solved or vetted.
China Denied Help from CDC.
6. In late January 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offered to help China address this unknown new virus after 106 deaths and 4,600 cases occurred in China.
The government of China refused (did not accept/ ignored the offer). With no response from China, a few days later U.S. President Trump initiated a protective strategy using a travel ban with China.
The Quiet Lock-down.
7. The China government controls everything that goes on in the country, and nothing gets approved or executed without the blessing or order from Communist Party leaders. So again, if there was no risk of human-to-human infection, why would the China government then order a lock-down of another 50+ million people in the region?
Then China moved to lock-down a whopping 780 million people in the country. Again, if there was no concern of a virus spreading, why lock-down three-quarters of a billion people? {Note: The article citing 780 million people in lock-down also reported the virus was “believed” to come from seafood market in Wuhan. This has since been ruled out.}
China Admitted: We Under-reported Coronavirus Data.
8. The death estimates reported are actually higher than the China government was willing to admit.
China finally admitted the obvious, that they were under-reporting Coronavirus cases. We still think the number of deaths and CV-19 cases are dramatically being under-reported.
Our theory is based on how the U.S. quickly responded by cutting off travel to and from China in late January 2020, and expanded global travel bans. These actions occurred well before the problem became material in the U.S.
China on the other hand, delayed their lock-downs, ignored the virus to insure Lunar New Year was celebrated, potentially exposing millions of people. China also has four-times the population of the USA. Some 300 million people were traveling in and outside of China during this time. The U.S. just has better reporting.
A report suggested that Wuhan alone could have 10,000 to 20,000 systematic cases of Covid-19. Based on the level of spreading in New York under similar circumstances (dense population, leaders in denial of CV-19, went ahead with Lunar New Year celebrations, minus a lab, we think the Wuhan infection number would probably be much higher.
China Critic Goes Missing.
9. In March 2020, Ren Zhiqiang a wealthy real-estate developer in China criticized the leader of China, Xi Junping over the handling of the Coronavirus. According to friends of Mr. Zhiqiang, he went missing shortly after his public comments.
The Disinformation Campaign.
10. By late March 2020, China, Russia and Iran all implemented global media “disinformation” campaigns over Coronavirus. The China government-controlled media with no evidence, actually blamed the U.S. for the virus. The China-media called the U.S. “morally irresponsible,” “ridiculous,” and “rude.”
We saw this as China covering up this problem and projecting it onto others. The reality is, the problem originated in Wuhan, as China’s effective government spokesperson, Dr. Zhang Jixian admitted last December 2019.
China re-ran the disinformation campaign.
In the City of Wuhan where the virus originated, China claimed they had only “three” new verified cases of Coronavirus after 77 days of lock-down?
Don’t Publish the Truth.
11. In April 2020, academic research papers studying the origins of the Coronavirus were taken down. We believe these reports were taken down by China Communist officials. A note was found from a China government official stating (translated) that:
“any paper that traces the origin of the virus should be strictly managed.”
— Source: CNN, Hong Kong.
In other words, don’t write that it’s China’s fault!
And Another China Critic Goes Missing.
12. Talking about a problem is the problem in China. A Dr. Ai Fen worked at Wuhan Central Hospital where she was in charge of the emergency department. She “disappeared” shortly after criticizing the China government’s mishandling of the Coronavirus.
China: What Problem, We’re Doing Great?
13. By early April, China created the illusion by stating everything was just fine in China, and the government removed the lock-down. We think this is more disinformation campaign. A report citing U.S. intelligence said that China did in fact cover-up (conceal) the Coronavirus outbreak.
The Aftermath.
14. China’s failure to disclose, destroy evidence, and lies to the world, killed over 180,000 people, and costs trillions in global economic damage.
So far in the USA, the China Coronavirus caused an additional $2 Trillion plus in economic repair. Some say, this cost is just the beginning, and we think they are correct.
Conclusion: TBA
At this point, we don’t know if the Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan was an accidental leak, some knowingly or unknowingly infection carried outside the lab, a biological experiment gone wrong, or some other situation.
Most media reports have suggested the incident was ‘accidental.’ But it is hard to say something was an ‘accident’ when there has been no independent investigation in Wuhan. The China government has done everything to block that effort. As we cited reports of China destroying lab evidence, silencing people, missing critics, effective ban on independent publications, and running disinformation campaigns. By any rational definition, this suggests a major cover-up by the government of China.
China definitely had motive and opportunity. The negative global health impact especially on the U.S., has cost the U.S. trillions of dollars in economic damage. This includes loss of investment equity in the financial markets and trillions more in economic repair.
The long-term impact on the U.S. is most likely to be financial. Essentially with the amount of new debt the U.S. has taken on, along with the massive existing debt, U.S. interest rates just can never go up or by much or the cost of servicing that debt will become more damaging than any virus could do to the U.S. economy.
Something will have to be cut and or taxes will go up. Higher taxes never created prosperity anywhere in world history. That result would eventually and severely affect the standard of living Americans – mostly Low Income and the Middle-Class have enjoyed.
The poor will likely have aid from government. The very wealthy will always be able to be self-sufficient. The middle class are the ones who are thus most at risk.
We’d hope that a proper investigation is conducted by disinterested parties (not the WHO, not the UN, and certainty not by other pro-China pundits).
Read / watch video documentaries on China, government control, and life in China published over the last 23 years.
Transcripts and Video Documentaries on China (PBS Frontline):
China Undercover (transcript) (2020) – Highly recommended.
The Battle For Hong Kong (transcript) (2019).
Who’s afraid of Ai Weiwei (transcript) (2011).
Young And Restless In China (transcript) (2008).
The Tank Man (transcript) (2006).
China In The Red (transcript) (2003).
Dreams Of Tibet (transcript) (1997).
September 15, 2020 9:24 PM EST. via NY Post: ‘Chinese virologist posts report (Local PDF) claiming COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab.’
September 16, 2020 4:34 PM EST. via Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight & Daily Mail.UK. Dr. Li-Meng Yan stated on live TV that she studied the genome of the virus. She claims “SARS-CoV-2” (dubbed Coronavirus), was created by China-military and weaponized to be released on the world. She stated that she has proof and will release in upcoming research report(s). There is no hard evidence yet, but we raised the question back in April 2020, that China did have motive and opportunity, and we await for data to support the claim.
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