February 7, 2019; update Feb. 8, 2019 8:58 PM EST.
written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON, DC. There has been much talk of the rise of Socialism, Marxism and Communist-like behavior and goals within the Democratic party. This began with the Bernie Sanders movement during the 2016 presidential election.
Most Democrats deny that they are ‘Socialists,’ let alone Marxist-Communists. They might argue that they just want to provide “affordable” (government-run) healthcare for all, free college education and other benefits like Socialist countries.
The problem is they lack a sound plan, don’t understand or accurately define the true costs, or define the economic impact on a country with a population such as the United States.
The government-run healthcare, known as ObamaCare wasn’t affordable, didn’t cover everyone; millions lost their choices of doctors, healthcare coverage or their job, was designed to deceive Americans, and healthcare spending soared.
Now, Dems have doubled down with a new plan that included an entire restructuring of the United States government and its economy. One Dem and 2020 presidential candidate wants to eliminate the competition by banning all private insurance, killing an industry covering 170 million Americans.
“Sen. Kamala Harris of California renewed the party’s debate over single-payer health care in a CNN town hall Monday, saying she’s willing to end private insurance, which more than 170 million Americans use.”
— Source: CNN, Jan. 30, 2019
Nothing like saying the first thing I will do as President is destroy the health insurance for most of America?
Green Deal? or Commie Deal?
Today, Democrats have proposed a House of Representatives Bill today called, ‘The Green New Deal.’
The idea is to address “Climate Change” whatever that means. And Dems think by restructuring America will magically fix the problem, even if it destroys the U.S. economy.
No one else in the world such as China and India, the two largest pollution generating countries, will be doing nothing in exchange.
So, we did a snap analysis of the bill. We found that not only does the bill have no plan on how to implement or fund it, the underline intent has little to do with ‘climate change.’
Instead, the Bill is more of an outline of a Social-Marxist Manifesto for America where government controls virtually all aspects of the economy including the control and total regulation of all domestic and foreign business in the USA, who can have jobs, how much they will earn, etc.
The Bill talks about wage racism, and undefined “social injustice.” Obviously neither of these issues have anything to do with Climate Change.
[1] The Bill has many economic fantasy statements such as:
“(B) to create millions of good, high-wage jobs…ensure prosperity…economic security for all people of the United States.”
— Green New Deal, (p5)(PDF)
[2] The Bill Fails to Address Serious Questions:
- How will the bill actually create millions of jobs? (No plan.)
- Define what a “high wage” is? (Undefined.)
- Who will create all these jobs? The government? (No plan.)
- Are you going to FORCE the private sector to comply with the government’s demands on what kind of jobs people will have; and what industries will be permitted to exist?
- What jobs and industries will be lost if the Bill ever passed the House, Senate and signed by a POTUS?
- Define “prosperity” and “economic security” for “everyone in US?” (The Bill does not exclude illegals from having all these benefits either).
- Are all going to work under the same definition of “prosperity” and “economic security” and the government will determine all this?
- So we don’t have a say in this? We just have to comply? – Social-Marxism aka Communism.
- How much will all this cost? (No idea in plan.)
- Who will pay for it? Generally, “rich” people.
The government will GUARANTEE you a job, a “high wage” (whatever that means) or the welfare equivalent thereof forever, so there is no need to work? And if there is no need to work because you can live on welfare, who is paying for all that?
You can confiscate and liquidate all of American’s wealth (about $19.4 Trillion (2018); confiscate and liquidate the 500 largest corporations in the USA (valued at about $21 Trillion (12/31/2018), which gives you millions of lost jobs, 500 dead companies/ industries (not including support industries and support jobs). This won’t cover a fraction of the costs.
In a separate plan, a “Healthcare for all” Democratic idea only costs $32 Trillion for the first ten years. This exceeds the entire stock value of the largest 500 companies in America COMBINED.
After the money is gone, this leaves you with an economy close to Yemen.
[3] Green New Deal? Say Bye Bye to Petroleum?
In order to meet the criteria as written in the Green Bill, petroleum would have to be BANNED:
“meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources”
— Green New Deal, (p5)(PDF)
What does this mean?
- All Gasoline Motor Vehicles & Trucks = BANNED.
- By the way, some shoes, vehicle tires, bike tires, and some cosmetics are made with petroleum.
- Heating oil? = BANNED. (So you’ll have to live in the cold part of the year, because clouds block solar energy).
- Jet fuel? BANNED. No more airplanes, helicopters, especially those pesky (police and military ones?). All boats, cargo ships banned too. No more imports, OR exports. Only the fish can be in the water?
- Asphalt / Road Oil = BANNED. No more roads? If we can’t have vehicles, we don’t need roads right? No more on-line shipping by vehicles, because those are banned too. So just kill the entire retail industry, and the economy crashes. This may sound extreme, but if you take the plan as it is worded, this is the impact.
- Waxes = BANNED (No more candles, cosmetics or nail polish either).
Other BANNED Items (because made with petroleum):
Dresses, Golf Bags, perfumes, pens, (pen/printer) ink, hair color, plastics, chewing gum, toothpaste, telephones, cameras, and refrigerators (additional source).
Basically Democrats want to Make America Broke & live in the Stone Age.
This is why they don’t articulate in detail, define or show the impact of their plan – it’s a total economic disaster!
Does this give you a headache? Sorry, aspirin may just be banned too because it contains “benzene, a hydrocarbon that is usually derived from petroleum.“
[4] Green Deal: Government Determines How You Live, What You Can Earn
“…guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement to all people in United States.”
— Green New Deal, p12 (H)(PDF)
Government forcing to raise wages to meet its definition of living standards, hasn’t worked in Venezuela, Greece, Cyprus, (or anywhere – ever). The economic impact on Venezuela for example has resulted in skyrocketing inflation.
“In November (2018), (Venezuelan President) Maduro announced a 150 percent increase in the minimum salary, the sixth such increase in 2018…
Inflation, which hit nearly 1 million percent in 2018, could soar to 10 million by the end of this year, according to the International Monetary Fund.”
— Source: Miami Herald, Jan. 7, 2019
- What is a “family-sustaining wage?”
- How is “adequate” defined, and how much is that exactly?
- How much does paid family leave, paid medical leave, paid vacations cost, and who pays for it?
- What is ‘government retirement for all?’
- How much exactly is a guaranteed retirement going to cost me?
- Who is giving up their hard work and income to pay for all that?
- How do you retire if people aren’t working because few remaining business cannot afford to pay this money out without cutting jobs and skyrocketing retail prices?
What Happened in Venezuela?
Venezuela, a once wealthy nation moved to socialism. The government took control over major industries such as oil, including foreign oil companies operating in Venezuela. New Socialists took control in 2012 with the move to Social-Marxism. The government promised all these free or low cost benefits such as food subsidies, healthcare, and increased wages beyond what anyone could pay.
By 2017, The Venezuelan Socialist Party led by President Nicolás Maduro (note first 3 letters in last name, “Mad”), created a new constituent assembly to rewrite, bypass or dissolve the country’s constitution.
“In August 2017, Mr Maduro controversially set up a new constituent assembly with the power to rewrite the constitution, or to bypass and even dissolve the opposition-led National Assembly.”
— Source: BBC News, Jan. 28, 2019
Oil prices fell. The main government-controlled oil industry that supported all this socialism, just ran out of money. As socialism failed, the socialist party just moved to a totalitarian dictatorship to maintain power.
This is the result of (Marxist) Socialism in Venezuela right now; where many people cannot afford to buy toilet paper. Even food shortages are epidemic in just a few years.
[5] Green New Deal’s Universal Healthcare = Socialism?
Just like Venezuela, the Green New Deal would provide ‘healthcare for all’ [P13 (O)].
As discussed, the “Healthcare for all” plan only costs $32 Trillion for the first ten years. Current US National Debt is about $22 Trillion (Feb. 7, 2019) (Current data). Does this sound affordable?
Notice Dems don’t say ‘healthcare for all’ is affordable; they just say they would provide it, even if they are willing to bankrupt the country to do it.
They will get the tax money out of you one way or another. There just isn’t enough “rich” people in the country to pay for a fraction of this; and opening the border to poor, broke, and mostly uneducated aliens because of their failed economic countries isn’t exactly going to make our programs any cheaper.
The healthcare for all plan in Venezuela has since collapsed and diseases are spreading to border nations.
“After the Bolivarian Revolution, extensive inoculation programs and the availability of low- or no-cost health care provided by the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security made Venezuela‘s health care infrastructure one of the more advanced in Latin America.
However, by 2015, the Venezuelan health care system had collapsed. [1][2]
After Socialists took over (Venezuelan) healthcare,
“Water…was rarely available at the participating (hospital) facilities — 79% of them had no running water at all…Pregnancy-related deaths rose 66% and 11,466 infants died — a 30% increase.”
— Source: CNN , Mar. 28, 2018
The recent approval by Ralph Northam, Virginia (D) governor to allow the killing of a baby after it has been born just eliminates more future people who will just take up economic, and use environmental resources in the future? So just kill them now and make it legal, is the new Democrat platform?
We’ll exempt those illegally immigrating to the U.S., so long as they are willing to accept all of our freebee promises, and thus vote for us Dems to seize power forever?
Video Link (if not displayed below)
Disease has also been a huge problem after socialists took over healthcare in Venezuela.
“No illness has spread more rapidly from Venezuela than measles. Viruses containing the same genetic markers as in the outbreak in Venezuela have spread across the continent, from neighboring Colombia to distant Argentina. Outside of Venezuela, the vast majority of the patients are in Latin America’s largest nation: Brazil.”
— Source: The Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2018
[6] What Else Does the Green New Deal Propose?
“Effective nationalize unions under one government?”
— Green New Deal, p12 (I)(PDF)
We will all eventuality be union members which the government will nationalize, control, including controlling wages, conditions, types of jobs you will have, etc.
All if it sounding great in theory; EXCEPT your liberty is gone, independent freedom to try and reach success will be mitigated to the level of what success you are allowed to have under government control.
Tell me this isn’t the effective definition of Marxist-Communist goals under a Totalitarian government?
“Insuring the use of democratic and participatory processes… implement, and administer the Green New Deal mobilization at the local level.”
— Green New Deal, p12 (F)(PDF)
“Democratic” Government would thus micromanage all jobs throughout states, counties and to local municipalities (ignoring state’s rights). It requires all to participate (like it or not, or else?)
The “Democratic” Government would decide who will be permitted to get a job, type of job and set the wage. If you’re not part of the “democratic…participation process” (not one of them), you probably will not be included in the plan, or get a job?
Tell me again this isn’t the effective definition of Marxist-Communist goals under a Totalitarian government?
The cost? Green New Deal plan offers no costs of anything, no articulated plan to pay for any of it.
[7] Whew, No More Competition!
If you ever wanted to start (a government approved) business; now you can under the Green New Deal and without competition!
“…every businessperson is free from unfair competition and domination by domestic or international monopolies.”
— Green New Deal, p13 (N)(PDF)
That’s a relief, because all the business who are competing with me are unfair! They make more money and I can’t compete with that! So government will simply decide what competition is; who will be permitted to be in business; what type of business you can have; how much you be allowed to charge consumers; and government will determine how much you can earn, and how big you can grow.
Again, tell me this isn’t the effective definition of Marxist-Communist goals under a Totalitarian government?
In order to do this.
- All large corporations will need to be broken up into tiny businesses.
I want to start a social media company, but I can’t because the giant firms are hogging all the competition, so they have to be government downsized so I can compete with them?
- Then it will be illegal to have a large business as such will gain competitive advantage. We can’t have one person or business having more success than another under Marxist-Socialism now can we?
- Foreign corporations also BANNED. They are also competitors. So they have to go.
If you have your own business that is a competitor, they are BANNED. If someone else thinks you are a competitor, you are BANNED. Equal treatment under the law thing?
“Government will provide everyone with housing”
— Green New Deal, (p14)(PDF)
Don’t suppose we can all get one of those $5-25 Million home and vineyard like Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has?
No, most likely, a Socialistic Government would create housing such as The Projects nationwide – crime free and everyone lives in utopia?
It’s good to know that we don’t need to work to buy a place to live because government will take care of all that (with strings attached of course).
Nationalizing housing will have to take place because the government can’t build unlimited housing for up to several-hundred million people. Government will determine how much a home will cost or be worth if government didn’t build it.
[8] Forever Economic Security For All?
Next, government will provide ‘economic security,’ whatever that means.
“economic security”
— Green New Deal, (p14)(iii)(PDF)
It appears Dems got tired of writing 14 pages in the Bill, so they just started throwing in words and seek to pass a bill with no plans or details what any of it means, let alone the costs.
For some people economic security is guaranteed $50,000 a year; for others it might be $75,000, $100,000 to several million a year – guaranteed? Not to worry, because government will decide what level of “economic security” you will have, and you can bet all of it in Vegas, because it will be barely enough to feed, clothe, and shelter you.
In other words, you will equally poor as the poor are of today.
[9] Our Ball-Park Cost Projections.
Economic Cost:
With other mentions in the Bill about national high speed transportation, seizing virtually every ‘big’ industry, killing most of the jobs in America, especially those who are not “Green;” it would not be a shock to see a several Quadrillion Dollar price tag. We may expand on this later. This part is a little more involved financial analytical work.
Again, just ‘healthcare for all’ is $32 trillion for the first ten years. Now start projecting 100 years out to re-infrastructure the entire country, covering costs during that time.
We don’t have that money (explained earlier by seizing all personal wealth [about $19.4 Trillion (2018)] and the S&P 500’s stock market wealth [about $21 Trillion (12/31/2018)], only gives you $40.4 Trillion.
Paying everyone a “high wage,” (whatever that means); a guaranteed job, effectively unlimited benefits, housing, guaranteed retirement, etc., will be quite a large number.
The current UNFUNDED U.S. debt is actually $72 Trillion. Current total U.S. debt liabilities are actually $122 Trillion (graphic below).

So when you start multiplying the costs of these government programs by decades, healthcare for all at $32 Trillion for 10 years x 100 years = $320 Trillion. In all likelihood, costs will be exponentially higher as was with the costs of Obamacare.
Also factor in the hyperinflation of all resources.

A roll of toilet-paper in Socialist Venezuela costs 2.6 Million Bolívar or equal to $790.40 in U.S. dollars.
That’s today’s stable U.S. dollars.

Under Democratic Socialism, one can assume U.S. currency will collapse; U.S. Treasury Bonds will be virtually worthless; especially after all the foreign investment that pulled out; dumped all those bonds on the open market – since it would no longer be profitable to invest or own anything in the USA.
Remember to factor the costs of collapsing the U.S. economy after killing and seizing industries for government control.
[10] Is there a Social Impact to the Green New Deal?
You could say that.
Aside from America going from the leading wealthy nation, to the most broke nation under New Green Deal Social-Marxism, we would expect the same results would occur as did in every country in world history, when a Totalitarian government took control.
Such led to current Civil Unrest in France (further reading) for just minor issues in comparison. Civil unrest also occurred in German history, generally in the EU (last 19 years); and risks Civil War (like Venezuela, but on steroids).
Socialism is a means to get the people of a country to support and keep those in political power. When socialism fails, the government has all the power, and moves toward a totalitarian dictatorship.
The people willfully surrender their liberties for a bunch of “free” stuff that are now too expensive or in short supply.
Socialists seek gun control (ban and confiscate) polices under the guise of lower crime, safety for the children, etc. In reality, Socialists don’t want an armed population to remove them from power after socialism fails; the people begin to starve; gangs control the streets and the black market.
Gun Control
In 2012, Venezuela Socialists banned all guns and ammo before implementing their social-tyranny on their people. They said only the police and military and selected government ‘groups’ could have firearms. The Venezuelan government also confiscates weapons from those who did not comply with the ban.
The gun ban was to eliminate the high crime and murders in the country. The gun ban had a direct opposite effect.
By 2015, Venezuela had the world’s highest homicide rate. So, just the government and the criminals had guns. The non-violent law-abiding citizens, were left – defenseless.
The Democratic Green New Deal left out banning guns – which Totalitarian, Socialist, Marxist, Communist governments all did throughout history.
Maybe U.S. gun ban is implied in the Green New Deal. Guns are made with plastics, thus would have to be banned since plastics are made from petroleum, and petroleum would be banned?
The next step after this is to seek to have one “united” political party – you know, for the “greater good” – like Adolph Hitler put forth?
“Hitler’s socialism was his own and subordinate to his secret aims. His concept of organized economy was close to genuine socialism but he would be a socialist only so long as it served the greater goal.”
— John Tolan Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography New York: NY, Anchor Books—Doubleday (1976) p. 314, (Source: Wikipedia).
So in a Green New Deal with government control of housing, healthcare, business/ industry, jobs, personal income, retirement income, and thus lifestyle…
….tell me that isn’t like a Social-Marxist Manifesto toward Totalitarianism?
Additional Reading:
History: How The USA Became A Gun Culture
Image/graphic credits: Top graphic: Public domain official photos with socialism fist logo by netadvisor.org staff. U.S. National Debt Clock copyright USdebtclock.org; Toilet paper costs photo in Venezuela source: newshub.co.nz; Currency exchange graphic source: XE.com.
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