July 23, 2014

War on America’s Southern Border?
original article written by Net Advisor™
WASHINGTON DC. The U.S. southern border has seen a surge of tens-of-thousands illegal immigrants mostly from Latin America. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported in 2010 that over 17,000 people were arrested at the U.S. border that were not from Mexico, Latin America, South America, or western islands. Many of these people were from counties that tend to be non-U.S. friendly such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen for example. It is not known how many made it inside the U.S. undetected.
[1] Obama’s Cuts Border Security.
In 2011 the Obama Administration reportedly cut the 1,200 national guardsman’s from the U.S. border down to 300. This of course makes it easier for those wanting to get in the U.S. illegally and now with less border enforcement. This action question’s the President’s thinking about keeping the U.S. border secure from terrorists and drug cartels who seek to gain presence in the U.S.

[2] War on America’s Southern Border?
U.S. border agents have been repeatedly assaulted by Mexico’s police, Mexico’s military and by Mexico’s drug cartels all who have repeatedly crossed into the U.S. illegally. In some instances foreign invaders have shot at U.S. border agents. Here are a few examples:
- In 2005 there has been 18 confirmed illegal crossings of Mexico’s uniformed and armed police and or military into the U.S.
- Dec. 2010. U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry was “shot in the back” with AK-47 during a gunfight, said his Family, and subsequently died. Agent Terry was killed by a weapon used in the DOJ’s “Fast and Furious” illegal ‘gun-tracking’ scandal.
- July 2011. U.S. returned 33 Mexican troops who ‘strayed’ into Texas. This also occurred in 2006 and 2008.
- Oct. 2012. Two U.S. Border Agents shot, 1 killed by suspected drugs smugglers.
- April 2014. Uniformed Mexican Military illegally crossed into the U.S. and held U.S. border agents at gunpoint. Mexico confirmed the incident.
- June 2014. U.S. border agents were reportedly fired upon by Mexico authorities who then denied the incident.
- July 2014. U.S. border agents were under fire by a 50-calibur machine gun from the Mexico side of the border.
- Further list of attacks on U.S. Border agents (PDF 28pps).
Border agents clearly don’t have the resources needed to address these problems. President Obama addresses illegal immigration by releasing over 36,000 illegal aliens back into the U.S. population who have known serious criminal records.

[3] Obama’s Amnesty Executive Order Created the Border Crisis.
President Obama granted up to 800,000 illegal immigrants in the U.S. blanket amnesty in 2012. In June 2014, Obama planned to release 500 illegal aliens into the U.S. per week. In July 2014, Mexico’s President reportedly made a deal to make it easier for illegals to pass through Mexico on their journey to the U.S.
An April 2014 report by Town Hall said that the drug cartels have now infiltrated more than 3,000 U.S. cities. In Minnesota, one of Mexico’s drug cartels tortured two American teens tied to drugs and the cartels.

[4] Obama: Human Trafficker in Chief?
In January 2014, DHS began soliciting human trafficking jobs in the U.S. – a move that a Federal Judge said that was illegal in a December 2013 ruling. President Obama has refused to address the security of the border and instead wants $3.7 Billion for aid that most will go to support illegals. If there were 92,000 new illegals, that works out to be a cost of $40,217.39 per alien. We found that it costs less than $800 for a one-way trip back to Honduras for example. Somewhere taxpayers are getting screwed. Only $29 million of the proposed request would go to actual border security.
President Obama plans to give another $250 million to the corrupt Central American countries to try and get them to now stop sending people to the U.S. illegally. A smart leader would deduct say $100,000 (actual costs plus penalty) from foreign aid per person that we give to these Central American and other governments. A strong leader would start off with a 20-30 percent cut in non-humanitarian aid right off the bat. Rewarding these countries is the wrong move.
Drug cartels have seized on Obama’s weak (no border) policy and hijacked the train routes from Latin America through Mexico all the way near the U.S. border. The cartels are charging migrants $100 or more to ride a train the cartels don’t own.
To accommodate the massive inflow of illegal aliens on the Southern Border, the drug cartels are also using high speed water craft to expedite the aliens to the U.S. and charging $100+ per person for a ride across the Rio Grand River (photo 1, photo 2).
Obama addresses the problem of illegal immigration by making sure every illegal has their own taxpayer funded lawyer when they get here. Obama is also using DHS charter buses and chartering 1st class jets to illegally transport (traffic) illegal aliens to take residence throughout the USA.
Obama is trafficking some 290,000 illegal aliens caught at the border to U.S. homes including releasing 500 mother’s per day with children at random bus stops to then fend for themselves on the city streets (photo link- page top).
Human trafficking most who are adults not children, have caused the deaths of over 5,600 migrants according to a report by Border Patrol.

[5] Costs of Illegals to U.S. Taxpayers.
Most illegal aliens in the U.S. manage to collect welfare.
“57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.”
— Center for Immigration Studies, April 2011 Report (PDF)
A 2013 report suggests that legal and illegal U.S. immigrants send some $120 Billion back to their native countries each year. Illegal immigration reportedly costs California taxpayers some $25 Billion each year, and nationally cost U.S. taxpayers some $113 Billion per year.
[6] Obama Puts Illegal Alien Healthcare Before U.S. Veterans’ Health Care.
Months have passed with President Obama still not addressing the Veteran Affairs (VA) Scandal where veterans died waiting for healthcare. The VA managed to spend $500 million on a conference room and cosmetic makeovers, left off some 1,700 veterans from wait lists to get government-ran healthcare.
Other veterans have waited an average 115 days to get healthcare. If the U.S. military veterans were illegal aliens, they could get immediate healthcare free of charge at the U.S. border.
![Protestors Block DHS Illegal immigration Bus in California [Photo Credit: Scripps/ABC].](https://www.netadvisor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/1-protest-ill.jpg)
[7] Citizens React to Obama’s Border Crisis.
President Obama was busy drinking beer and playing pool and CNN reported that the President turned down a hit of marijuana. Obama said he had no plans to see the border first hand, and further said he was not interested in ‘photos ops‘ like this, or this (original link gone – alt link), this one, or this, this one here, or any of these 16 photo ops.
Face it, death, disease, (especially diseases that aren’t being checked before illegal aliens are released into the U.S. population) just isn’t a fun picture, and reality is not something this President likes to address.
The failure of President Obama to address border security has taken citizens to action.
In early July, U.S. citizens blocked DHS bus routes that were transporting (trafficking) new illegal aliens to San Diego and Marietta, California (Video).
Because the Obama Administration has continued to fail to act, armed citizens are now planning to assist in border security. The Obama Administration would be wise to take proper action to do the job to avoid angry citizens from playing law-enforcement as they see fit.

[8] Texas Governor Takes Leadership Role In Border Crisis.
President Obama could send National Guard troops to help secure the border under a 1997 law [8 USC. § 1357(g)] signed by Bill Clinton (D). The only person aside from private citizens trying to address the issues is Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) who is sending 1,000 National Guard troops to assist in border security.
Gov. Perry had previously pressured Obama to do this (his) job. The Texas governor is doing the job Pres. Obama refuses to do. Clearly more needs to be done, but trying to help secure the border is the first step.
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