February 28, 2012 original publish date
March 3, 2012 edit

What’s Wrong with White House Foreign Policy – Afghanistan
original article written by Net Advisor™
North of Kabul, Afghanistan. There has been some very upset Afgans over an apparent recent burning of the Koran in Afghanistan. President Obama was quick to apologize for the incident while 100,000 troops remain fighting the very same Taliban in Afghanistan.
Somehow, no one has yet to apologize for the 1,743 U.S. troops killed in action (KIA) in Afghanistan over the last 10+ years.
No one has apologized or been on trial for the decades of American Flag burning in anti-Western nations;
No one has apologized or been on trial for burning the Bible by anti-U.S. nations, but we must endure and punish our own? Really?
This is a war, not an exercise on “How to shoot and kill the enemy while being sensitive to those who are not shot at yet.” The Administration does not seem to get this. Troops are shot at, hit with suicide and road side bombs. They are under 24HR high-stress. The U.S. should have left Afghanistan no later than right after Bin-Laden was KIA in PAKISTAN.
Hyper Sensitive NATO?
Afghanistan is pressuring hyper-sensitive NATO to prosecute U.S./NATO troops who allegedly burned the Koran at a U.S/ NATO base in Afghanistan. And of course NATO apparently said:
“NATO officials, in response to a request for the trial and punishment of the perpetrators … promised this crime will brought to court as soon as possible…”
— Source: Reuters
Not sure who’s side NATO is on right now, and apparently NATO is unable to draw the following link. According to the Reuters article,
“NATO confirmed a man in Afghan army uniform had killed two of its troops in the east, but declined to say if the shooting was connected to the protests.”
Perhaps the Afgans didn’t get their U.S. Aid-funded bowl of Cheerios that morning. What do you (NATO) think that retaliation was in response to? Here, let’s me help sort out this difficult policy question and I quote:
“(The) Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on all the youth present in the security apparatus of the Kabul regime to fulfill their religious and national duty… by turning their guns on the foreign infidel invaders…”
— Source: Reuters
If NATO missed that one, and still isn’t sure who is behind the killing of the U.S. troops, this might clue them in with a little self-admission: The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killing of the two American Servicemen.

White House: But The Taliban Isn’t the Enemy… per say?
Did anyone miss anything in regard to the enemy’s intent here? OH, hold on, almost forgot — The White House said just last December 2011, that the Taliban isn’t the enemy.
And it’s a good thing that the Taliban isn’t the enemy or the Obama Administration couldn’t release key Guantánamo Afgan detainees back to the Taliban, who are also coincidentally known al-Qaeda supporters.
While we prosecute U.S. troops for urinating on dead Taliban soldiers, and while seek to prosecute U.S./NATO troops for allegedly burning the Koran, we have to remember that the Gitmo detainees who aren’t going to be re-released back into Afghanistan have every luxury.

Terrorists Get $744,000 U.S. Tax Payer Funded Soccer Field
The U.S. taxpayer via the Pentagon is spending $744,000 to build a 28,000-square-foot soccer field for the detained terrorist suspects at the U.S. base in Guantánamo, Cuba (Source: Miami Herald). Why leave Gitmo, when you can safely play soccer in Cuba? I know some schools in the U.S.A. whose children don’t even have a field to play on. Forget U.S. education; make sure we give every comfort and luxury to the terrorists.
The $444 Billion-Dollar War
As of March 2011, the U.S. government (tax payers) have spent over $444 Billion in Afghanistan alone. (Source: Congressional Research Service/ FAS.org). The U.S. is spending billions via US AID running their campaign to rebuild Afghanistan. Sure, helping kids with meds, building schools is always the emotional tag used to get us involved in foreign conflict, and sure they need it.
And when the (Afgan) kids aren’t in school, some are being groomed as Taliban suicide bombers with the sole purse to kill U.S. and Western troops.
“Taliban mullahs in Pakistan are recruiting child suicide bombers as young as nine to blow up NATO targets”
— Source: The Telegraph.UK
Oh, but according to the UN (PDF), Afgan’s government policy is not to recruit kinds under 18 in the armed forces. We’ll that’s a relief, because of course we can trust whatever the Afgan government tells us. According to Transparency.org, Afghanistan is one of the most corrupt counties in the world. Perhaps the corrupt Afgan government isn’t directly involved, but they don’t appear to be doing anything stop it either.
The World Bank said last year,
“A new report warns unless aid is delivered effectively to Afghanistan, the government will suffer and its authority will be undermined.“
— Source: World Bank (2011 Report PDF)
Shocked? This is what happens when you have run a social-driven war, not a tactical war. U.S. leadership seems to bow to the enemy, negotiate with the enemy, release their terrorists prisoners back in the theater of war, and then seek to put our own military on trial. Isn’t there something wrong with this picture? Whose interests are we really representing?
Read our in-depth 28+page Report:
Afghanistan – an Expensive Exercise in Futility
Additional information about Net Advisor™
Net Advisor™ has long followed global events, developed military strategy games, and in 1993 while attending a major private University, wrote a research report titled: “International Terrorism: Challenge to U.S. Intelligence.”
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