10.18.2009 original publish date
10.16.2012 Note: The NBC video was moved or deleted sometime after this report. We have thus far been unable to locate a copy.

“Poop Gate”
original article written by Net Advisor™
The White House is denying reports that “Bo” (The Obama’s family dog) took a #2 on Air Force One. [Video deleted by videonewslive.com) (text only) (Source: NBC News)].
However President Obama acknowledged to NBC around the time of the apparent incident, ‘Bo has chosen notable venues in the past.’
President Obama:
“We go out and we’re walking and I’m picking up poop, and in the background is the beautifully lit White House,” the president said. “It’s quite a moment.”
— Source: Wall Street Journal

Bo has been quite the dog as he has apparently been known to ‘tear through magazines, socks, and the President’s gym shoes’ (Source: CBS).
The Journal attempted to further verify the incident, but the White House denied the incident, despite contrary loose information:
“The source of the story refused to recant. A press officer for the 89th Airlift Wing, which includes Air Force One, had no comment. A government airline carpet contractor didn’t return calls.”
— Source: Wall Street Journal
Next time Bo, lay off the in-flight peanuts.
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