09.27.2009 original publish date
02.25.2011 repaired, updated links and updated information. (Article written prior to Qaddafi killed in Libya).
06.27.2012 Repaired/ replaced broken links

Are You Smarter Than a Terrorist?
original article written by Net Advisor™
A Nut Gathering at the U.N.
UNITED NATIONS. New York. Three Counties have increased their voice lately. All are oil rich. All have been either previously associated with sponsoring terrorism, or support, and or are still engaging in terrorism. We are talking about Libya, Venezuela and Iran.
Part I: Libya
Libya’s leader, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, who orchestrated a military coup to power in 1969, and who had two decades of known financing and sponsorship of terrorism, including the bombing Pan-Am Flight 103 in 1988, recently called the United Nations Security Council, “terrorists.” Qaddafi who has allegedly been trying to get back on the world stage by cooperating with the U.S. and settling certain claims, recently took his ‘peaceful’ ideals and offered a written proposal to the United Nations to “abolish Switzerland.”
No More Swiss Chocolate in Libya
Qaddafi was outraged with the Swiss government since 2008 when Swiss police arrested Qaddafi’s son and his son’s wife for “allegedly beating their two servants at a local hotel.” Qaddafi was so upset; he forced closure of Swiss chocolate manufacture, Nestlé operating in Libya and among other things, reportedly withdrew some “$5 billion from his Swiss bank accounts.”
At a G-8 summit in Italy during July 2009, Qaddafi stated that Switzerland should be “carved up like a wheel of Swiss cheese.” Qaddafi then stated that “Italian-speaking part of the country should be returned to Italy, the German-speaking part given to Germany and the French-speaking part ceded to France.”
Qaddafi’s U.N. rant included that ‘no one interfered with the Civil War in the U.S., but the U.S. has interfered with everyone else civil wars’ (Watch the Video (video gone, 404 UTL)).
At one point during his first ever UN speech, Qaddafi “dropped his paperback copy of the (U.N.) charter on the podium several times before tossing it over his shoulder” (Source: Reuters).

The Libyan leader (pictured above in a brown robe) has become known for his entourage of his 40+ female-only body guards, all of them reportedly…virgins.
Part II: Iran
The Iranian government test fired short to long range missiles after President Obama warned Iran to come clean about their alleged nuclear weapons program. The U.S. published (video gone, 404 UTL) from a spy satellite showing a secret and heavy guarded nuclear enrichment plant base in Iranian mountains.
Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated on September 17, 2009 that Iran ‘would “never” abandon its nuclear program to appease Western critics’ (Source: Reuters).
The Iranian missiles could strike Middle-Eastern, Israel, parts of Europe, India, and other targets including U.S. military bases in the region including Afghanistan. “Such a range would put Israel and U.S. bases in the region within striking distance”
— Source: Reuters.
In December 2008, the United States took issue with Russia for allegedly arranging the sale of Russian S-300 long range missiles to Iran. The so called purpose of these missiles are to strengthen the Iranian border. In October 2010, Russia agreed to cancel the missiles sale to Iran. However, just one month later apparently Iran announced their own development of the Russian C-300 who says the missiles are “for defense only.” Iran test fired the missile in November 2010.
In March of 2009, Iran assisted North Korea in the preparation of missile technology that could easily strike South Korea and Japan. After learning of Iran helping to North Korea, the government of Japan authorized its military to “shoot down any incoming North Korean rockets.”
Despite multiple oil-wealthy anti-Western counties (Iran, North Korea and Venezuela) bent on longer range missile development, President Obama recently decided to scrap an anti-long range missile defense system for a cheaper, short range program, but that would not be complete until 2020.
When will the U.S. understand that the government of Iran is nothing more than radical extremists, who suppresses their own people, and threaten peace in the region?
President Ahmadinejad is not likely to cooperate through diplomacy or sanctions. The Iranian protests can have an impact on the government, and will only become stronger as the people of Iran clearly seek a better way of life than the repressed ways that their government tightly controls.
Ahmadinejad is likely to eventually lose power by a coup, assassination, or from military actions. However, he is probably crazy enough to go out in a bang. If backed in a corner, his last likelihood action is to pull a Saddam Hussein and launch whatever he’s got at Israel and other U.S. targets in the region.

The difference from Iraq’s ex-leader Saddam Hussein and Ahmadinejad is that the Iranian leader either has or will soon eventually posses the technology to produce (nuclear) weapons of mass destruction. I do not see Iran giving up anything willingly, and it would be a serious error if the United Nations and the United States allowed Iran to pursue ANY nuclear technology.
Iran is sitting on the 3rd largest proven oil reserve in the world. Iran is not lacking in a need for alternative fuels, nor have they suddenly decided to “go green” and protect the environment. It would be too easy to convert nuclear power into weapons grade plutonium.
Part III: Venezuela
And for our final nut (leaving out Kim Jong-il at this time), Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, also ranted at the U.N. General Assembly last Thursday. He cited that he was glad that “the devil,” was out of office, referring to his 2006 U.N. speech about President George W. Bush.
Chávez, came to power in 1999. After his election he changed Venezuela’s constitution including to extended the term of president by a year, then allowed two terms to serve as President, and changed the counties name to República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
The Venezuelan leader started to use the military to seize foreign and domestic industries including the oil industry, rice mills, sugar plantations, the third largest bank, plus sea ports and airstrips operating in Venezuela. The Venezuelan leader did not like criticism from the media, so he then proceeded to take over media stations that didn’t support his cause.
In 2008, Chávez decided that he wants an indefinite presidential term. Chávez also expelled the U.S. ambassador from Venezuela in 2008.

Terrorism Developments in Venezuela
The United States is concerned about reports (second report) of terrorist factions operating in Venezuela, and an increased alliance with Iran. Venezuela is only 1,000 miles from Florida.
Iran already has missile technology and has publicly tested that their missiles can easily strike this distance.
“A two-month review by U.S. News, including interviews with dozens of U.S. and Latin American sources, confirms (Venezuela)…terrorist activity.”
Venezuela is reportedly providing support to terrorist organizations including 1000’s of identity documents called, “cedulas,” the Venezuelan equivalent of Social Security cards.
At the recent United Nations meeting, Chávez stated “Imperialism must end” and made further statements addressing President Obama to “come over to the socialist side. Come join the Axis of Evil over here.”
President Chávez also wants to pursue “peaceful” nuclear technology and has been seeking help from both Russia and Iran for this development. And like Iran, Chávez insists his program would not be used to produce nuclear weapons.
In November 2008, Venezuela and Iran signed “a secret “science and technology” agreement formalizing cooperation “in the field of nuclear technology.””
In October 2009, President Hugo Chávez “joked” with Iran about building a nuclear bomb. By October 2010, Russia agrees to assist Venezuela build their first nuclear power plant.
As Libya may not be an imminent threat, Qaddafi may have learned his lesson after President Regan responded to terrorist acts by Libya by bombing strategic government and military targets. Yet Qaddafi’s recent rhetoric at the UN shows that he isn’t of clear or sound mind. And what was the rational by the United Nations who made Libya head of the UN Security Council? This really begins to question how clear and serious the UN is for having an effective and sound-minded leader to head the Security Council who (1) has a terrorist past, or (2) who still thinks certain countries today should be “abolished.”
Iran will continue to be on the center stage until something is done to handle its nuclear ambitions. The radical Iranian government cares less for their people and is nutty enough to continue to threat peace in the region. One would think after the U.S. led coalition finally took out Saddam Hussein, that Iran would have kept a lower profile. The government of Iran maintains its defiance. The U.N. and the U.S. should not allow Iran to build or operate any nuclear facilities in Iran due to their unstable hostile government, and the ease of converting civilian-use nuclear energy into nuclear missile weapons.
The Venezuelan government has increasingly found itself on the radar map since Chávez came to power. The U.S. needs to keep a close eye on Chávez’s greater ties and aiding terrorist factions operating in Venezuela, and his ties to Iran and even Russia seeking nuclear capabilities.
The U.N. and the U.S. cannot allow these radical governments increase global instability by having them develop technology that can be easily converted into the most deadly weapons on the planet.
Hence the question: Is the U.N. smarter than a terrorist, or will the U.N. fall for the ploy of “peaceful” nuclear uses by radical governments with ties to terrorism?
Additional information about the author:
Author has long followed global events, and developed military strategy games. While attending a major private University, author initiated a senior project where in 1993, wrote a research report titled: “International Terrorism: Challenge to U.S. Intelligence.”
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